chapter 71:

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Lizbeth POV:

I woke up and i went straight to shower. I was still heartbroken, amd i was thinking what can fix a broken heart. FOOD. After i showered i put some shorts and a shirt. I walked down and i saw a note from hayes and shawn. I haven't hung out with them since like forever and i felt bad.

Luke:"Hey sweetheart"
Lizbeth:"Hey dad"
Luke:"Did you already eat breakfast?"
Lizbeth:"Not yet"
Luke:"Let's make some pancakes and a smoothie"
Lizbeth:"Sounds like a plan to me"

It took forever because luke was picky on how the pancakes looked like. I finished the smoothie so i poured some Luke and me.

Lizbeth:"Come on"
Luke:"Shh child. This needs to be perfect"
Lizbeth:"Didn't Hannah Montana teach you that nobody is perfect"

He just stared at me and i was laughing.

Luke:"Don't come to me when your pancakes are Burnt or ugly"
Lizbeth:"Thanks for the information"
Lizbeth:"We haven't had a father-daughter day"
Luke:"If you want we can"
Lizbeth:"I don't want to force you. If you don't want to go. You know"
Luke:"But i do. We need a day just for you and me. And Oatmeal"
Luke:"Yes sweetheart"
Lizbeth:"I love you"
Luke:"I love you too"

I saw madison and ran to her.

Liz:"I love your new song "Dead"
Mads"'Thanks boo"

I heard luke yell. And when i looked over i saw a man with a mask and that's all i remember.

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