Chapter 6 - Surprise

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Chloe's Pov:

Today is My birthday. I am actually 17 years old. I composed a Facebook message.

"Hi, jack.

I hope you are having a good morning. Today is my birthday and I am turning 17 years old! I am so happy! Anyways, I had better go. I love you.


I hopped out of bed and got dressed, brushing out my long black hair and smiling at my reflection. Not because I looked any better than usual, but because I am now 17.

I walked into the kitchen, ready for my breakfast when my social worker, Kenzie walked over to me.

"Morning, Chloe." She said, pulling me in for a hug. She is only about 2 years older than me and is my only friend, even though she isn't really.

"Hey" I replied.

"I have a surprise for you" she said.

"What is it"

"A family has come to interview you for adoption today. Mr and mrs Smith. You will like them I'm sure.


After I had been upstairs and showered to make myself more presentable I was a little happier. I brushed out my hair one more time before walking down the stairs.

I met Kenzie at the bottom of the stairs and she told me not to worry and to be myself. Then aw ushered me into a room and I sat down.

"Hi, I'm Chloe" I smiled at the family. The man was tall with short cut brown hair and glasses. The woman had rib-length blonde hair in beach waves. They looked like nice people.

"Hi, there, Chloe. I'm mr smith and this is my wife. But you can call us James and Emily." He smiled at me.

"Tell us about yourself" Emily smile at me.

"There isn't a lot to say" I replied, it's true. There wasn't.

"We'll what sort of music do you like." James asked me.


The interview actually went okay. I chatted with James and Emily about a lot of things and they are lovely. When I told them that I liked one direction they told me that they had a six year old daughter who liked them two. They asked if I had any secret obsessions so I told them about YouTube and sherbert pips. I love them okay? Then when James went to get drinks I told Emily about how I was really into photography and drawing and it turns out that she is an artist with her own studio and that James is a professional photographer. They are great!

I was sat in my room and I decided to type out another message.

"Hi, Jack.

I hope your morning went well. Mine was great! I had an adoption interview with a couple and they are so lovely. Turns out the woman is an artist and she has her own studio! And the man is a professional photographer. They are the dream parents! They also have a six year old daughter, how cute. Anyways I hope you are enjoying your time in la. You're there for another week, right? Ily.



When I went downstairs later for dinner I was stopped in the halls by Kenzie.

"I have another surprise for you." She told me.

"What?" I asked, wondering what she could have possibly done.

"Follow me" she said and she led the way down a hall.

When she opened a door I saw James and Emily stood at the other end of the room. I said a quick hello to them before turning to look at Kenzie, confused.

"Chloe..." Emily said, getting my attention. "We have spoken to Kenzie and if you want... Um... We want to adopt you..."


A/n: ahhhh! Comment what you think! Ily all.


P.s sorry I forgot to update yesterday. Im an idiot;) If you actually read these please comment a :) because I would like to know who does:)

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