Chapter 7 - The Best Birthday Present

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Chloe's Pov:

I stood infront of the two of them, shell shocked.
"Really?" I managed to croak out.
"Of course, dear." James smiled at me. I grinned huge, hugging the two of them before pulling Kenzie in for the hugest hug.
"Thankyou so much." I whispered to her "this is the best birthday present ever."

"When can we go?" I asked James and Emily.
"If you don't want your dinner we can leave now" Emily replied.
"And we'll stop at McDonalds on the way" James winked at me. Omg I haven't had a Mcdonalds in 7 years.

I rushed up to my room and threw everything in my bag. I was ready to leave but not before typing another message.

I have just been adopted by James and Emily. This is the best day ever! We are going to mcdonalds and I haven't been in 7 years. Yay! I love you.

I turned out the light and left my room for the last time.


"So, where do you guys live?" I asked the two of them as I sat in the back seat of Thier car.
"Just down the street." They replied "you'll still be able to see all of your friends" they said.
"Oh" was all I could say. Friends?

We finished our mcdonalds and went back to Thier house. We'll, our house. Apparently the little girl was at her grandmothers for the night because they didn't want to take her to the orphanage. Which u can understand, she's only 6. She was staying the night at her grandmothers so it was just the three of us until the morning.

James and Emily showed me to my room and left me to sleep. I pulled out my phone. I was so tired all I could type was.

"I love you jack."

Before I fell to sleep in the fresh sheets.

A/n: aw, short but a filler. Ily all. Comment. Sorry it's a bit crappy! McGinnis get an early night it's ten here and it's Ma birthday tomorrow! Pity I have school:(

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