Chapter 10 - That Girl

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Chloe's Pov:

A day has passed since my Nan's death, and I honestly don't know how I have got by, knowing that I don't have anyone, even if I was desperate. I don't have my social worker, my nan. Anyone. I'm out here alone in the big world and I don't know how I'm gonna cope. Why does everything turn wrong on me.

Jacks Pov:

As soon as I woke up I knew this wasn't going to be a very productive day. All I could think about was that girl. That girl who was crying on the street last night. All I can think of is how much of a dick I was, not checking if she was okay. Someone that beautiful should be loved. I am the biggest dick.


I got home from school and sighed, dropping down onto my bed. I haven't been able to stop thinking of her all day. What am I doing? I don't even know her name! I'll probably never see her again in my life. I'm such an idiot! I need to do something to take my mind off of her.

After scrolling through twitter for around 1 hour there was nothing new, so I moved onto Instagram, tumblr but there wasn't anything interesting. I decided to look on my facebook, which I never go on, your lucky if I use it once a month. Just as I opened the app, I saw that I had a new message.

It read:

"Hi jack, I hope your having a great day. The past few weeks have been so rough for me, as you can imagine. I'm just tired of trying and I'm sick of feeling like I am only sticking around because I am. Like, I have no reason. I dunno. Anyway, hope you have a great night:)


Chloe? Hmmm. I clicked on her profile and I saw that it was the girl I saw crying yesterday. What? I added her and then carried on reading up the messages. I saw that she had sent me at least 2 messages every day for a year. Wow.

Chloe's Pov:

I let out a sigh and pulled out my phone, seeing that I had a Facebook notification but decided to ignore it, probably a game request, and started to type my last message.

A/n: heyy. Hope ya like it! Ily all! Comment!


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