Chapter 9 - Darkness

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Chloe's Pov:

I sat curling in a ball in the old deserted building, holding myself. I couldn't cry anymore. I have no idea how long i have been here but I can't take the pain. I try to force out tears, give me something to take my mind off of the pain but it won't work. I can't cry anymore. I have dried up.

I started to walk back to James and Emily's home. We'll, our home now. We'll, it isn't really home to me. Our house. I couldn't stop the tears streaming down my face, so I wusses out at the last minute, carrying on down the street before I collapsed in tears a few doors down.


I don't know how long I had been laying on the ground sobbing for, but I started to hear footsteps and teenage voices on the streets beside me. I ignored them, thinking it was the local group of bullies. I ignored them. Not being able to give a fuck about them right now.

As much as I hoped that they would pass over one of them bent down and patted me on the shoulder.
"Are you okay?" They asked me.
I thought I recognised the voice from somewhere but I couldn't place it. I just nodded my head and they passed. I waited about twenty minutes until they had gone and lifted up my head. I dried my eyes and started the long way home.


After plenty of attempts to convince James and Emily that I was fine, they dropped it. I think they decided that i probably need my own space right now, I mean. They're right, I do.

Why does this have to happen to me? Why do I get all the shit? I look out of James and Emily's window and see into the house across the street. The perfect family. Two children and the parents. A girl and a boy.

I suddenly felt a sharp pang of jealousy somewhere deep inside me and all of a sudden I was angry. I am by no means wishing anything bad to happen to these people but just for once in my life it would be nice to know that I had one thing to be greatful for. One reason to be happy.

My nan was the only thing that kept me hanging on. I let the tears stream down my face and pulled out my phone to compose a new Facebook message.

'Hi, jack.
I don't want to depress you, but today has been literally one of the worst days of my entire life, and everyday is terrible for me. Today, Caroline, the nurse at my local hospital told me that the one reason I had the tiniest shred of happiness left inside me is gone. Hope you have a perfect day, someone deserves too.

I continued to let the tears fall and rolled over in bed, knowing I wouldn't get any sleep that night.

A/n: thoughts? Gets more jack soon I promise! Next chapters a biggie. Comment. Ily all.

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