Chapter 19 - Too Clever To Get Caught

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? Pov:

I watched her as she led the little girl to the bus stop. She kept turning around, as if she could feel me watching her. We'll what she doesn't know won't kill her, eh? Just like her precious "nan". She didn't know how she was standing in the way of Chloe and me, so I stopped her standing in the way. Why was she in the way? Because Chloe cared to much about her, and if anything happened to Chloe her nan would be worried. I didn't want the poor woman to suffer, so I put her out of her misery. They'll never suspect me anyway. I'm too clever to get caught.


Chloe's Pov:

As we walked through the doors into the concert I still couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching me. Just the thought of it sent shivers down my spine and I had no idea what to do.

I just kept Isabel close by and walked past security to our seats.

? Pov:

I followed them to the door but I knew I would have no way of getting through security. I would have to wait for her to come out. I crouched behind some bushes and pulled my mask down further over my face. If one person recognised me, the whole world would know where I was and my plan would be ruined. You might be thinking 'why does this sick bastard want to hurt a poor girl?" Well. If her precious 'jack' hadn't got in the way she would be all mine. Now you might think "why not hurt jack and not her?" Well if she hadn't have gone with jack I wouldn't be mad at her. But by hurting her I hurt jack. And this is just the start of my plan.

Chloe's Pov:

The concert was crazy. We were so close I could rest my arm on the stage and the boys were too amazing for words. I think my first concert was quite a success. I smiled as we left through the halls but once we were outside again I felt eyes on me. I turned my head but couldn't see anyone.

I saw. A face peering at me over the bushes. I wanted to confront this crazy stalker and ask why he had been making me feel uncomfortable all day but first I had to get Isabel away.

"Izzy, mommy and daddy's car is right there. Can you go and tell them to wait a second please?" I asked her and she nodded at me before scurrying off.

I watched the man in the mask closely while Isabel left, making sure he didn't try and pull anything with her. But once she was safely inside the car, I started to make my way over to the bushes.

A/n: hope you like it. Comment who you think "?" is... Ily all.


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