Chapter 32 - Okay?

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This is the final chapter, but there will be an epilogue so don't worry yourselves;) I feel like this story is my second baby after Love Me? (If you haven't read it go check it out) and it's nearly all grown up:( anyway, here it is so enjoy!


Jacks Pov:

"C'mon, C'mon" I chanted to myself as I paced up and down the hallway. No phone call, not from the guys that promised to take the bastard down, not from the police, not from jenn, and most importantly not from Chloe. I'm worried out of my mind. They promised me and I believed them. I was convinced everything would be okay.

I settled down in the arm chair and tried to relax myself.


An hour later after being so worried I had to run to the bathroom multiple times to throw up, the phone started to ring. But, it wasn't who I hoped.

"Mom, I'm sorry. You know I love you but you aren't the person I need to hear from at the moment." I said down the phone.

I was about to hang up when she yelled "no! Jack, wait. You need to turn on the tv"

"What why?"

"Shut up and do it!" In a haze I reached for the remote, I hadn't heard my mom so panicked in a long time, in fact, ever. Something had to be wrong...

'And, in other news, a 17 year old girl, Chloe (last name yet to be found) was discovered by police today after she has been kidnapped by the same man who is said to have killed both of the orphan girl's parents.'

Oh my god. That was who it was.

'The police have had to rush the young girl to the hospital as she has been beaten so hard that the flesh upon her stomach and limbs is beginning to be chipped into'

I feel like I'm gonna puke again. What a disgusting bastard.

"Chloe, who was unconscious when the police found her, had suffered severe trauma to the head, which doctors believe was forcefully smashed into the wall behind her judging by the hand marks around her throat, is said to have probable brain damage. And she has been taken into surgery immediately. Stay tuned for further news.'

Wait. Unconscious. I need to get down there... Now.

"Sorry, mom I've gotta go."

I hung up the phone and grabbed my keys. Rushing out of the door as fast as I could. Please be okay...

When I reached the hospital they had taken her out of surgery. And she was stable enough for me to see her. When I walked into that room and saw her hooked up to all of those machines, my heart sank. This is not, how I wanted to see her again.

I rushed to her bed side, and I placed her tiny, frail hand inside my own and cherished it... The doctors say that they have no idea if she will wake up... And I do not need that at all. So I started to speak.

"Chloe. My darling I know that you're in there, and I know that you can hear me. Listen to me now, I NEED you to come back to me. You're the most intelligent, strong, independent person I have ever met, and I am in love with you. I love the way your eyes quirk up on the edges when you smile, the way your nose crinkles when you laugh, and the little piece of hair that blows out of your perfect ponytail on a windy day. I need to experience those things again, lots of times, because I love you... More than you could ever imagine."

Suddenly, I felt light pressure on my hand, and those eyes fluttered open, those beautiful, beautiful eyes.

"Jack?" She asked me.

"I'm here, Chloe." I replied "I'll always be here, the two of us in our little piece of forever..."


I woke up with a start... My eyes coming to grips with reality. It was, a dream?

I looked to my left to see I had three missed calls, and I immediately called them back.

"Hello?" I said, still confused.

"Sorry, Mr. baran. We've been trying to contact you... I- I" he cut off.

And that's when my heart disappeared completely... Everything was definitely NOT okay...

A/N: comment what you think!! Ily all soooo much.


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