Chapter 2

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Dipper's Room

After Dipper had just got done discussing everything with Mabel, he scooted her out of his room under the guise of them both having homework to get done. He gave her a few moments to clear away while he pretended to to get back to his Algebra work, once he was certain she was gone he fired up his computer and hit the net. He was researching creatures that are supposed to be able to turn people to stone.

"Hmm. We know the eyebats. Uhmm there's gorgons, but we would've had more victims and they're know for going after extreme beauties and I know I'm no hunk. Hmm." He scratches his head under the hat, "There are legends say that some vampires are able to do it," he taps the keys a few more times, "Uhmm, well there's some stuff about gargoyles..." He went on like this for a good half hour before he again hears foot falls coming down the hall towards his room.

"Hey Dippingsauce, I just thought of a question," Mabel said as she stuck her head back through his doorway, "If it's not you that was turned to stone then who was it?"

"Oh, I hadn't thought about that. Let's see, well, do you remember the first dance Grunkle Stan hosted at the Shack?" he asked and then waited for her to shake her head in affirmative, "Remember how we found the copier earlier? How I had made a long drawn out plan on how to ask Wendy to dance? Remember how I got stuck working the ticket table?"

Again there was another nod of Mabel's head, "Yeah, but you didn't mind that at first cause Wendy was there, but oh yeah she came in shortly after friends arrived. After that I lost track cause I met Grenda and Candy and then Pacifica and I started our feud over being the queen of the party."

"Well after she went in I tried to shut down the table to follow her in, but Stan caught me and wouldn't let me leave. When I finally got in I ended up creating a copy I named Tyrone. By the time I got back down stairs Robbie was already talking to her. To make a long story short...", He stopped as he realized he left himself open for a reply from Mabel that frequently was used by one of the favorite movie directors. He shook his head as he knew what was coming.

"Too Late," she said sticking her tongue out at her brother.

"I created nearly a dozen clones in order to try and help me work through my list to ask Wendy to dance before they turned on me, when I realized I didn't need the list. I thought I dissolved all of them though. I can only guess that one of them got away...", with that Dipper slaps himself in the head, "Oh, man how can I be so stupid. Two of them stole Robbie's bike and I don't remember them ever coming back."

"Whoa, whoa, wait a minute. So you stole Robbie's bike?", she asked surprised to here her brother had committed a crime, "Also how did one of your copies survive this long?"

"Uhmm, I guess in a way I did." He said just realizing the fact himself, "As for how they could have survived, well I'm not sure. They had my memories up until the point in time that I copied them, maybe between them they figured out a place to get food, shelter, and supplies.", he scratched his jaw for a moment, "Hell, they could've easily gotten into the Dusk to Dawn or found one of the caves. The only other idea I've got is that maybe the statue is the Shapeshifter. I didn't want him to get loose after the whole Weirdmageddon hullabaloo, so I checked on him before we left and he was still frozen.."

"Heh, you said hullabaloo. Bro, this has got to be getting to you. You're starting to talk like McGucket,. Hehe," Mabel giggled a lil as she sat down in his desk chair and started to spin around. "So really it seems like it's most likely a photocopied clone of you that they have to add to the Hall of Mysteries."

"Yeah," He said wistfully as he remembers feeling bad as Tyrone was dissolving. 'Man I miss him,' he thought for a moment before he continued, "I wish we were up there, I'd really like to get a good look at this statue and the hat Dan found."

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