Chapter 57

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Piedmont, CA

Piedmont PD Missing Persons

Wildbill was still talking to the Detective. Looking down at the picture he saw that it looked like the coat Colleen was wearing yesterday. Thinking back he remembered she definitely smelled like Colleen.

"Well I can explain my finger prints at least, that was the coat she was wearing when she came to visit me yesterday afternoon. I bet my prints were found on the left wrist of the coat," Wildbill asked as he looked Detective Holenbeck in the eyes.

After looking at his notes Detective Holenbeck responded, "Yes."

"Well that's because after I told her to contact my partner about working the show, she attempted to put a move on me and ran her hand over my shirt. When I turned her down I removed her left hand off of my chest," Wildbill said with complete sincerity.

"I've seen pictures of this girl, you're saying she came on to you and you turned her down?", Detective Holenbeck asked incredulously.

"Yeah, I did. I'm not an animal, I can control whether or not I want to sleep with someone.", Wildbill replied, "In my business, like yours, it's never a good policy to sleep with co-workers and even worse to sleep with those who work under you. I've seen it tear companies apart and end nearly life long friendships. So, yeah I turned her down."

"Alright before you start preaching to me about professional ethics, I have one more question for you. Where were you on the 20th?", Detective Holenbeck asked.

"I was up in Oregon getting ready for a Thanksgiving with my godchildren and their family. We had just found out the previous afternoon that their mother was among those killed in the pile up on I-5. I have near 3 dozen witnesses that can place me in town from the 20th-26th. Her funeral was the 25th so I didn't leave until Monday morning.", Wildbill said as he was hoping the questions were coming near an end.

"Well, Mr. Hauser, that's all of the questions we have currently. We will be checking up on the information you have shared with us and if need be we will contact you again.", Detective Holenbeck said as he stood up and allowed Wildbill to exit the room.

Gravity Falls

Mystery Shack

Stan stood at the door looking at the teen that had fallen through his door after telling him that his ex wife had been kidnapped. With out thinking he bent down and tried to pick up the teenager, but he realized he was heavier than he looked like.

"Soos, I need some help in here." Stan said as he again tried to lift the teen. While doing so he could tell something was wrong with him. His body felt normal, but where the teens head hits his arm is nearly ice cold.

"Coming Mr. Pines.", Soos yelled as he rumbled through the gift shop heading towards his mentor. Seeing Stan trying to lift James he said, "Hey isn't that your grandson?"

"Yes, no, he's Gillian's grandson. He came here for help. Help me get him to the sofa," Stan said as he tried to get the teen towards the sofa. As he struggled he thought, 'What in the world is Gillian feeding this kid, I need to get some of it for Dipper.'

Soos came over and took James arms and let Stan grab his feet. When he hefted "Oof, the dude's heavy. Let me take off his backpack."

Soos unhooked the front side release buckle and slid the bag off of his shoulders. James suddenly felt sixty pounds lighter. They were able to quickly get him onto the sofa and while Stan went to get him a warm compress Soos moved the backpack over next to the couch. He realized it may actually be sixty pounds.

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