Chapter 17

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Gravity Falls Sunday October 28, 2012 4:20 PM

Mystery Shack

Former Wax Museum room

Wendy stood next to the stone Francis who seems to be glowing, but nothing seemed to be happening.

"Is it working?", Tony asked hopefully.

"I'm not sure, this was a long shot as it is. He's stone and her abilities work on like, wood." Pacifica said as she was watching.

"Wendy, Wendy, Wendy." Thompson, Tambry, Lee start chanting and are quickly joined by Grenda, Candy, Soos, Robbie, and finally Pacifica & Tony.

Piedmont, California

Mabel's room

Mabel had left Dipper's room not to long after he had made the excuse to leave earlier, taking his not so subtle hint. She was now sitting down knitting the 5th sweater she had planned on making for all of her friends up in Gravity Falls. She thought she had heard Dipper head back to his room a while ago but had figured she could give him a chance to be a downer for a bit before she went to raise his spirits. She was finishing up the left sleeve on hot pink sweater she had planned for Pacifica when she thought she had heard a something like a pile of books falling down the hall.

"Dip?" She yelled dropping the knitting like it was nothing as she jumped up and ran down the hall.

"Dipper!" She yelled as she found him slumped on the floor.

"S.. sh...she..", Dipper was mumbling as she gently turned him over and tried to cradle his head in her lap. She looked him over to see if there was any new damage from this fall but didn't see anything. She also didn't see anything he could have tripped over or nothing. Realizing he was still mumbling she listened to what he was saying, he seemed to be repeating the same sentence over and over. Though the last of it changed as she held him. "my help. needs our help. needs our help."

Not entirely getting what he was saying, she tried stroking his hair to try to calm him down and then she grabbed his closest hand to reassure him that she was here. No sooner she done that, then she was there with her brother watching as Wendy was standing in front of the statue of Francis and it was glowing. She heard a 'Wendy' chant going on in the background but couldn't tell where it was coming from, but she could hear Dipper's voice in the mix. It seemed like she was starting to get tired but she joined into the chant as well.

Gravity Falls

Mystery Shack

Former Wax Museum room

Wendy wasn't sure where the extra energy she was feeling was coming from but surge had reinvigorated her as she was starting to fade. Something about it was familiar though. She had almost given up on being able to try saving Francis but suddenly the stone facade started to fade and it was replaced with an oaken tone.

Tony broke from the chant as he saw his brother had begun to change, but as he realized he was only changing from stone to wood his heart had begun to close off from the hope he had been feeling.

"T...Tony, is that you?" The wooden Francis asked as he moved towards his crestfallen brother before he realized they were no longer in the woods and that he had what appeared to be a ghost that vaguely looked familiar to him standing in front of him. He also felt as if his joints were stiff, like the night they had slept in that abandoned bowling alley.

"Francis!" Tony jumped at his brother so fast he broke Wendy's concentration.

Everyone else had stopped chanting as they saw Tony rush over and hug his wooden twin. Then they saw Wendy power down and drop to the floor.

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