Chapter 33

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A/N May the fourth be with you! This doesn't technically make sense cuz I think it's still the end of December in the story but whatever. Logic is for the weak.

"Hey, Charlie, you know what today is?" Gabriel asks excitedly, bounding up to her in one of the many hallways of the bunker.

"The anniversary of Star Wars Episode Seven?" she guesses with a grin, naming the movie that, like, half the bunker watched the previous night.

"Yeppity doo," he confirms. "You know what that means?"

"Something fun, right?"

"Hellz yeah!" Suddenly, a light saber appears in Gabriel's hands. He activates it, a jet of blue light shooting out.

Charlie's eyes widen. "Dude! You have a real freaking light saber!"

"Is that a problem?" he asks.

"No, that's awesome! I want one!"

"Think fast!"

Gabriel deactivates the light saber and tosses it, but it doesn't reach her. Instead, it lands in Lucifer's outstretched hand. They hadn't realized he was there, he's so quiet. It makes sense he'd choose here; he's close enough to the war room that he can hear if something fun happens or if the opportunity for him to annoy people arises, but he's not stuck in any social situation. Instead, he's just playing on... a Gameboy? Who uses Gameboys anymore?

"You gonna join us, seeing as you're one with the Force, or are you just being annoying?" Gabriel asks him.

"Actually, you two are the annoying ones," Lucifer replies, putting the light saber on the floor next to him before returning to his game.

Gabriel nudged Charlie. "I'm gonna pull a Luke," he whispers. He holds out a hand, exaggerating his concentration on the weapon before it flies into his hand.

Except it doesn't. Lucifer shoots a hand out and grabs it just as it leaves the ground.

"Dude, you ruined my moment!" Gabriel whines.

"Too bad," Lucifer replies, obviously unconcerned. "Go geek out somewhere else."

"Or you could stop being a jerk and bring your boring self somewhere else?" Though she started out confident, her voice became less sure as Lucifer looks up from his game to glare at her.

The light saber spontaneously combusts, then flies towards her, courtesy of a mildly annoyed and very bored Lucifer. Charlie screams and jumps back, narrowly missing the flaming object.

Though Gabriel could put the fire out, he decides against it. The light saber is about thirty seconds away from being a pile of slush on the floor, anyway. Instead, he makes a new light saber, sticks his tongue out at his brother, and this time hands it to Charlie.

"How do I... Holy Tardis of stinking Gallifrey!" she exclaims as the light saber activates. After the initial shock disappears, she holds it up in the way Anakin or Obi Wan or Luke would hold it. "Surprise, bitches. I'm the next Jedi."

"There can only be one," Gabriel replies, a light saber appearing in his own hand as well. He activates his, a jet of blue light shooting out of his. Instead of mimicking Charlie, he holds it like Ashoka from the Clone Wars television show.

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