Chapter 101

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It takes Dean a while to calm down, but after a few hours, he finally decides to search for Sam. He'll start off with an apology, but he really just wants to talk his brother out of this. Lucifer isn't good for him. He's not good for anyone. Dean wants to make sure his brother knows what he's getting into, and get him out of it.

He checks Sam's room first, but there's no answer when he knocks, and a slight peek in the room didn't reveal anyone in there, so he soon finds himself back at square one. He walks around the bunker for a while, and just as he's about to give up, he hears Sam's voice, and follows it to the library.

Oblivious to his presence, Sam and Lucifer are sitting on the library floor, the latter resting his head on the angel's shoulder. Lucifer is rolling the tennis ball around the floor telekinetically, watching K9 chase after it.

"If I asked where you were last night, is there even a small chance you'd answer seriously?" Sam asks, the first person to speak since they sat down together hours ago.

"In here," Lucifer replies. "Working on K9."

"Alone? Did those three minutes of social interaction wear you out?" Sam asks, almost teasingly, but it's a halfhearted effort.

"Those thirty seconds of Jack wore me out," Lucifer says. "And I wasn't alone. I told Jack to go away and then he stood in the doorway for a few hours."

"Which is basically alone," Sam adds. "You could've come see me. I was waiting for you."

"I know. I just... Jack is nothing like I hoped he'd be, and I didn't like that, and I still don't like that, and I didn't want to take it out on you."

"You could've talked to me about it," Sam tells him.

"There was nothing to say."

They lapse into silence again, both watching K9 run around tirelessly until Sam finally brings up the one thing they've both been avoiding.

"I told you it was going to be a choice between you and him."

Lucifer doesn't have to ask what he means by "him." The scene Dean made makes that pretty clear.

"And I told you, keeping this from him was already not choosing him."

"I could've chosen him, you know," Sam says. "There was no guarantee I was ever going to talk to you again."

"I thought that was what was going to happen," Lucifer admits.

"And you were okay with that?"

Lucifer doesn't answer at first, finally saying, "If I had to choose between not being in your life or just pretending I'm not, I would pick the first one every time."

It's quiet again, not because there's nothing to talk about, but because there's too much, and neither of them are sure where to begin.

Finally, Sam asks, "Did you have to make it so difficult?"

He automatically knows Sam's talking about the continuous jabs at Dean while Sam was trying to find some sort of common ground, which he knew was a bad idea at the time, but he couldn't help it.

"No, probably not," Lucifer admits, but he says it almost indifferently, which Sam obviously doesn't appreciate, so he adds, "I'm sorry. The guy just gets on my nerves."

"That doesn't mean you had to harass him."

Lucifer sighs. "Would it make you happy if I tried to play nice?"

"Are you capable of being nice?"

"Probably not," Lucifer admits. "But I can try, for your sake."

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