Chapter 40

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Sam and Dean share a confused look for the umpteenth time that day — night — evening — whatever time of day it is. It's Dean that finally reacts, silently excusing himself from his conversation with Benny and Crowley — yes, it was going as horribly as it sounds — and walks up to Gabriel, who's leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and just looking bored.

Dean glances at Lucifer, who's sitting on the floor near the younger archangel and asks quietly, "What's up with him?"

Gabriel looks down at his brother, who has been playing on some tablet device and muttering something under his breath in a language that pretty much no one understands, oblivious to the people watching him, for the last half hour.

"I made the mistake of introducing him to Peggle," Gabriel replies.

"That is him playing Peggle?"

Gabriel nods. "It could be worse. He could be screaming in Swahili instead of whispering in it."

"Swahili?" Dean repeats, amused.

"Yep. He was speaking in Romanian earlier."

Dean chuckles despite himself. "Getting a little too worked up over a video game, in my opinion."

"Don't blame me. It's the fucking sunflower," Lucifer says without looking up.

Dean glances back at his brother, sharing an amused smile.

"I can't believe Satan just said that," Dean laughs.

Lucifer just ignores him. The entire room — which isn't very many people; just the two youngest Winchesters, Jess, Benny, Crowley, Samandriel, the archangels, Jo, Castiel, and Balthazar, which actually seems like a lot of people now that I write it out like that — watches as he continues playing. Every minute or two, he mutters something under his breath, and each time, Gabriel announces which language it's in.

"French." "German." "Enochian." "That was, like, a weird mix of Spanish and Swedish."

"I'm pretty sure no one cares what language I'm speaking unless I'm speaking to them," Lucifer says, his eyes still on his game.

"And usually, we prefer it to be one we can't understand," Dean adds.

"Unfortunately, not all of us have the luxury of not understanding what people are saying," Lucifer replies, then starts muttering something under his breath again.

"Italian," Gabriel announces, then adds, "And very rude, too. What did the sunflower ever do to you?"

"It existed."

Gabriel just shakes his head at his brother, an amused smile on his face.
Lucifer continues playing his game, continuing to mutter under his breath.

"That was, like, part Bengali, part Hindi, and part Portuguese," Gabriel says slowly as he attempts to process this. "I don't even know how he strung those into a sentence right there. It was something like 'I hate this flower and I want the unicorn back,' I think, but the sentence structure is weird and it doesn't really make sense."

"It doesn't have to make sense," Lucifer snaps. "I'm not talking to you guys."

"No, you're apparently talking to a sunflower," Dean laughs.

Lucifer doesn't even look up when he flings Dean into a wall. Benny walks over to the hunter and pulls him to his feet.

"You got a lot of guts, antagonizing the devil like that, brother."

"I wouldn't say guts," Dean replies. "More like boredom. Besides, he makes it too easy."

"Can't I complain about this mother fucking sunflower in peace?" Lucifer asks, exasperated.

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