Chapter 70

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"What time is it?" Sam asks eventually.

"In here?" Lucifer glances at a clock. "About four in the morning."

"No, in the real world," Sam clarifies, even though he knows Lucifer was just messing with him because he's an ass.

"I don't know. Morning? Early afternoon? Probably later than you should be sleeping, at least."

"Then I should probably get up," Sam replies, but he doesn't make a move to do anything about that.

They just lie there together in silence, as they've been doing for a long time, until Sam finally breaks it again.

"You know that was just a distraction, right? So don't expect —"

"You to suddenly fall in love with me?" Lucifer finishes mockingly. "Yeah, right. It was just a distraction for both of us. Wouldn't have it any other way. But if you ever need another distraction..." He trails off, knowing Sam gets his meaning.

"That's not going to happen," Sam replies. "We're not going to do that again."

"Hmm, I don't know," Lucifer replies playfully. "That's what you said last time, but..." He eyes the naked boy next to him with a smirk.

"I mean it," Sam says firmly. "That was the last time."

"Alright, if you say so," Lucifer replies, but he doesn't sound convinced.

Sam decides against arguing with him, knowing Lucifer will always hold out hope for another round.

"You can't say you regret it, though," Lucifer adds.

Sam exhales slowly before answering, "I could, but I'd be lying. If there's nothing else you're good at, you are good in bed."

"I'm going to take that as a compliment," Lucifer replies.

"Well, it wasn't, but if —"

And then everything disappears.


Lucifer sits up and rubs his eyes, trying to adjust to the outside world again. He's never been in a dream that long. It's actually kind of disorienting. Glancing next to him, he sees Sam sit up as well, but much slower than Lucifer. He opens his eyes, shielding them from the sunlight with his hand. He looks over at Lucifer questioningly.

"What just happened?"

"You woke up," Lucifer replies as if it's obvious, because it really is. "I may have kept you in the dream a few hours longer than you usually would have slept, but eventually, your body's gotta wake up."

"How long has it been?" he asks. "It looks pretty late."

"How would I know? Do I look like a sundial to you?"

Sam rolls his eyes. Again with the sass. He shakes his head to himself and stands up, surprised at how easy and pain free it is. After a night like that... But when he asks, Lucifer just looks at him like he's an idiot.

"It was a dream, moron. It wouldn't affect your actual body at all. That's just common sense. Technically, you've just been lying there looking dead for the past few hours."

Sam doesn't have some sarcastic remark for that. It makes sense. He's actually kind of surprised he didn't think that one through himself.

"Alright, whatever," he says finally. "Can we go now? I don't really want to be stuck up here with you any longer than I have to be."

Lucifer rolls his eyes. Suddenly, Sam finds himself back in his bedroom, which looks the same as it did before the fire. Must be Lucifer's doing, he reasons, but he's not here to ask. Sam doesn't really care, though. Just because they fucked doesn't mean he's in any rush to talk to him. As far as he's concerned, nothing changes between them. He still hates the guy, and that's that.

Looking at the clock, he sees that it's past one o'clock in the afternoon. He should probably go make sure everyone knows he's still alive.

Returning to the war room, he's glad to see it's no longer covered in guts, which is a nice change. Gabriel is just sitting alone, which isn't really a surprise to him. Sam doesn't particularly want to talk to anyone after what happened to Jess, so he can imagine Gabriel feels the same way about Kali. The difference is, apparently Gabriel doesn't like fuck buddies to take his mind off things. Speaking of, he doesn't see Lucifer around here yet. Weird.

Dean is the first person to notice Sam awkwardly standing in the doorway. He waves him over, completing Team Free Will.

"Where have you been?" Dean asks quietly, trying not to draw any attention to them.

"That's a long story," Sam replies.

Dean eyes his suspiciously, obviously wondering what could have happened in these last few hours that Sam wouldn't want to talk about. He can almost guarantee that whatever Dean is thinking of, it's not bad enough.

"Well, where's Jess?" Dean asks. "Was she with you?"

"Uh, no..." Sam replies awkwardly. "She's..." Does he really have to say this out loud?

"Hey, Sam," Gabriel says loudly, not caring that he just got everyone's attention at once. "A word?"

"Sure?" Sam replies uncertainly.

Gabriel gestures for him to follow, and they both stand in the hallway outside the war room. The entire time, the only thing going through Sam's head is that Lucifer must have told him what happened, and that he lost what very slim chance there was that Gabriel would realize that Sam really does care about him as much as he does.

Instead, Gabriel just says, "Apparently, most people don't know what happened to Kali and Jess, so as far as they're concerned, Chuck just pulled them out, got it?"

"What? Why?"

"Because I don't want anyone to freak out," Gabriel replies. "Because if Chuck is willing to kill Kali and Jess, who's to say he's going to stop there? I don't want everyone afraid that they're next. So only a few people know about Kali, and we're the only two that know about Jess. Let's keep it that way."

"Alright, but Lucifer knows, too, so if he brings it up, don't blame me."

Gabriel's eyebrows draw together in confusion. "How does..." He trails off. "Excuse me, I have to go talk to my brother. Catch you later."

With that, he's gone, leaving Sam alone in the hallway wondering what the hell just happened.

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