Chapter 77

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It doesn't feel like Sam and Lucifer spend a long time chatting, but when they hear the conversations outside, they realize it's later than they thought. Sure enough, a glance at the clock reveals that it's past nine in the morning, and they've been here for well over eight hours.

"Ah, crap," Sam mutters. "People have gotta be wondering where you are by now."

Lucifer just shakes his head. "No, I spend enough time alone that no one's going to question it."

"Oh, true," Sam replies. "Well, I'm gonna get dressed."

"Go ahead," Lucifer replies with a smirk, not looking away.

Sam rolls his eyes. "Perv."

"You had no problem with it earlier," Lucifer reminds him.

"And I regret every moment of it," Sam lies. It was actually pretty nice sex, as much as he hates to admit it. "Go, shoo." He gestures for Lucifer to leave, and, after rolling his eyes, he does.

Lucifer glances in both directions, not quite sure where to go, until he finally settles on the war room. He knows that's where he'll find people, and eavesdropping is better than nothing.

Apparently, he and Sam aren't the only ones who "slept in," because he sees Jo as he's meandering the halls. She looks up at him, but on the off chance she was going to say something, she doesn't get the chance, because Lucifer carefully avoids her gaze and walks past her. Not doing that today. Not after such a nice night with Sam.

Sam waits until the door is closed before quickly stripping off what he's wearing now and throwing on some new flannel. He quickly heads out to the war room, because he's always awake well before now, and people must be suspicious.

... Or not?

The only people who even acknowledge his existence are Dean and Castiel, the former waving him over. Because he really can't avoid it, he reluctantly obliges, giving them a small smile that he hopes looks less fake than it feels.

"'Morning," Dean greets him.

"'Morning," Sam replies, not bothering to mention that he didn't actually get any shuteye, and it's weird to say "good morning" when he hasn't slept in almost twenty-four hours. There's no way he's lasting another twelve without coffee, that's for sure. "What's new with you guys?"

"We're still being held in the bunker against our will," Castiel replies. "Not much can be new."

"You never know," Sam says with a careless shrug. "Anything from the people who disappeared yet?"

Dean shakes his head. "Zip. Looks like Chuck really did pull them. Either that or he's locked them up and they're in one of the empty rooms like he does to Jo and Lucifer a lot."

"Yeah, that's possible," Sam agrees.

"Doesn't really matter, though," Dean adds. "You're right. They're probably fine. No need to worry about them."

Sam's mind flashes back to watching Jess burn on the ceiling again. "Yeah, I'm — I'm sure they are."

Dean gives him a curious look, but thankfully, he doesn't question it. There's no easy way to explain that he's been lying to Dean and Cas about what happened to Jess and Kali, and just about everyone else, too. The truth will come out eventually. It always does. He might as well hold out as long as possible.

That's the last thing Sam says for a long time. Occasionally he can get a brief, one- or two-word sentence in, but otherwise, it's mostly Dean and Castiel speaking. He just stands there, trying to feel at least somewhat involved in a conversation he has no part in, and he hates every moment of it.

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