Chapter 13

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(Yurio's p.o.v)
I sat there waiting. I wanted to see him. It was like waiting for who won the finals. But it was a different feeling. I felt like crying again. I didn't know what to do with myself.
(1 hour later)
"Kid who wanted to see Otabek... come here!" Said the lady at the front desk.
I walked up to the desk,"um... yes.."
"Otabek just woke up the surgery was shorter then they thought it would be. He's in room 203 he's right down the hall." She said.
Shorter then they thought it would be? I thought to myself. Did they do it right??? I hope so.
(10 seconds later)
I was outside the room. I looked in I saw Otabek looking at the ceiling looking like he was about to cry. I walked in.
"Otabek??" I said,"R-R u ok????"
Otabek looked at me. He blinked and then looked back at the ceiling.
"R u mad at me or something????? I'm sorry... I should have driven... u wouldn't be laying in this hospital bed if I would have just not been so lazy." I felt like crying again but I didn't I couldn't show him I was weak.
"U didn't do anything" he sat up and looked at me,"I'm just glad u weren't hurt." He said smiling. "I was the idiot who wrecked our car." His voice was soft like he was on the verge of crying."while I was driving I saw some guy looking at u funny so I tried to drive away from him. When he caught up to me I tried to turn around and bring us back home. Because it looked like he was going to the mall to and I was afraid he was going to do something to you." He paused looking like he was reliving the memory."while I was turning around... I... hit someone... and... that's why I'm here..." He smiled like it was nothing.
I felt tears coming to my eyes but my sadness turned to anger,"U BAKA!!!! U SHOULD HAVE JUST LET ME GET HURT!!!" After I said that I started crying I fell on the floor and just payed there and cried.
(Third person p.o.v)
Yurio asked someone how long Otabek would be staying at the hospital. Turns out he was going to be there for a few days. So Yurio was going to stay with Otabek till he could leave.

Otabek x Yurio {{Complete}}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora