Chapter 37

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(Yurio's p.o.v)
We arrived home and I smiled.
"Alright Yuri... a few rules..." Otabek Said. I
turned around and looked at him. "Since you still have to heal, I don't want you moving to much. Now I'm not trying to be mean. I just don't want you to get hurt more." He hugged me lightly.
I sighed, "but that's boring...." I mumbled and crossed my arms.
"Well to bad you gotta heal!!" He snapped at me and got outta the car.
I got out my ribs where killing me. I walk to the front door waiting for Otabek to get Kayla. We walked inside. I saw Viktor and Yuuri. They where sitting on our couch waiting for me to come home.
"YURIO!!! WE WERE SO WORRIED!!!!" Viktor screamed and hugged me again lightly. Yuuri was crying. Vikturri that Sassy little girl was even worried. Vikturri saw Kayla and her eyes lit up.
"KAYLA~SENPAI!!!!" She Yelled And Kayla looked at her.
"ANNA~SENPAI!!!" She Yelled And ran over to her.
"Wait... you renamed her your ship name?" I asked.
"Well.... yeah... it was either that or History..." Yuuri said while wiping tears.
"Oh~!! Your name now is Vikturri?! So now your Vikturri~senpai!!" (Sorry if I spell it wrong... I look up Otayuri not this stuff.) she laughed and hugged her.
I smiled. Then sighed.
"Well... guess your staying for dinner." Said Otabek.

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