Chapter 14

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(Yurio' p.o.v)
I've been at Otabek's side for 2 days. He should be getting out today,I thought and I smiled. I looked at Otabek,he was still sleeping. He looked cute while he slept. I sat there waiting for the ok to leave. Tomorrow was Viktor and Yuuri's wedding. I didn't want Otabek moving much so we weren't going to go shopping for clothing. No matter what he says. A nurse came in.
"Good morning Yuri." She said and smiled while she put Otabek's breakfast on his bedside table.
"Morning Allie! When can I take him home?" I asked A little bit to excited.
"Whenever u want." She smiled again,"I would wait till he wakes up and eats his breakfast though."
I looked at Otabek and nodded. "I will," I said, I couldn't wait to bring him home.
(1 hour later)
He was awake and he started eating.
I sat there with a smile on my face. He looked at me.
"U look more excited than me..." he said laughing a little.
"I just can't wait to get home!" I said I sounded like I was 5 but I didn't care.
"Heh." He smiled,"I can't wait for u to sleep on my chest again... it's harder to sleep without you there~❤️"
I blushed."I can't really. u have ur Bandages  on your stomach. So until u heal I won't be there...." I said still blushing but disappointed.
He nodded and finished his breakfast.
(5 minutes later)
We were standing on the side walk waiting for Viktor and Yuuri since I didn't have a Car and he couldn't go get his.
(20 minuets later)
Viktor and Yuuri got there and we got in the car.
(Next chapter is the wedding!!! ❤️)

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