Chapter 21

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(Otabek's p.o.v)
Yuri was slowly falling asleep while we were sitting on the couch. What I didn't tel him is that my chest really hurt from the other day. And it hurt bad. I wasn't going to tell him this, in a fear he might worry to much and make a much more big a deal out of it then it was. I didn't know what happened at the pool which that was what was really hurting me. I wanted to know why Chris did to my kitty so I could kick his butt later. Yuri's phone was buzzing in his hoodie. To try not to wake him up I grabbed the phone and answered it.
"Hello?" I answered playing with Yuri's hair.
"Otabek? Why do u have Yurio's cellphone?! We're is Yurio?!!!" It was Viktor. His Russian accent very clear.
I cleared my throat,"Yuri fell asleep. So I picked up his phone so it didn't wake him up. Anyway what do u need?"
"Chris told me what happened at the pool, luckily he was drunk so I got it out of him easily, that and JJ kinda told me." Viktor paused,"Did Yurio tell u what happened??"
"Um, no sir, y?" I said. Remembering that he likes to call Yuri his sun.
"Well, why Yurio was getting dressed Chris came in and grabbed his wrists," I wasn't likening the sound of this,"the he started to Kiss Yurio, only on the cheeks!" He mumbled something but I couldn't make out what he said,"after that JJ walked in and it was all over. It just scared Yurio. Just keep Chris away from him, we're both lucky he wasn't drunk he could have done much worse." He paused,"and remember I'm still his father so if u don't keep Chris away ur going to have problems with me 2!"
"YES SIR ON IT SIR!!" I kind of yelled making Yuri squeeze his eyes shut a little and turn in his sleep.
I hung up and put his phone down. I laid on the couch and whispered,"I wont Chris ever come near u again,Yura~"
I saw him smile in his sleep and I slowly drifted off to sleep.
(Viktor and the end of the call though😂😂😂 anyway! Hope u all enjoyed the last chapter! Jk I'm not done yet, the wedding hasn't even happened!!!!!! I need to get into that!!!!!!! Mk till next chapter!!! Bye❤️❤️)

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