Chapter 40

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Before we start like I walked into the library and my friend who is the Otabek in our rp ran up to me hugged me. Then I hugged her back then my other friend yelled, "GAY!!!" :)) 
(Yurio's p.o.v)
I woke up and Otabek was still asleep. I heard movement in the kitchen but everyone was asleep. I looked up and saw Chris. I didn't think much of it at first.
"Wait...." I said and looked at him, "how did u get in?!" I sorta yelled trying not to wake Otabek up. I slowly got up sliding under his arms and looking at Chris. "Where...."
I was interrupted by being slammed into the wall. "CHRIS!!!" I screamed now not caring.
"What~?" He said drunkly.
My heart started beating really fast. He pinned my hands down and he was standing on my feet. So I couldn't move I grunted and growled trying to move be he had a grip on me. I wasn't paying attention and he kissed my lips. Aggressively.
So before I continue reason he is after Yurio because he is the only one he hasn't done anything to.
I stood there the angry look on my face while his where closed he came up for air and bit my lip.
"Ohhh~ your lips are so soft~!" He said as he was about to move down to my neck I closed my eyes admitting defeat. Then I heard a voice.
"WHAT THE HECK DO U THINK UR DOING!!!!!" It was Otabek he sounded mad as heck to. (Lol lol can't swear so like XD)
Chris rolled his eyes, "What are you going to do about it?" I opened my eyes to see Chris still have his hands pinning me to the wall and him still standing on my feet making sure I don't move. Chris licked his lips.  "I can see why you wanted this one his lips are soft and smooth~!" He said as he leaned in for another kiss being stuck I couldn't really do anything besides turn my head back and fourth. He finally caught my lips. I looked at Otabek he looked even more mad then he looked like he was about to cry. It made my heart hurt. He took a deep breath then ran at Chris. Chris realizing this stepped back not far enough to the point he didn't have a grip on my wrist but far enough for Otabek to miss and run into a wall.
"OTABEK!!!" I screamed as Chris got on my feet again. Otabek ran hard into a wall. He made a dent into the wall. He growled and took Chris from behind. He pulled him back and snarled I ran back to the couch where Vikturri, Kayla, Viktor, and Yurri. (Lol imma change it between Yurri  and Yuuri.) 
He looked at me then looked at Chris and I swear I could see fire in his eyes. I don't know if he was mad at me, Chris, or both but for right now he was helping me out. He punched Chris repeatedly nonstop over and over and over again. Since Chris was drunk he didn't do anything and got thrown out the door easily. Otabek breathed heavily. He looked at me and ran over and hugged me.
"Are you ok? Are you hurt? Where did he touch you?!" He sorta screamed in my ear I swear he was crying.
"Beka... I'm fine... h-he just..." I paused. I hugged him. I was mad at Chris. I hated him. I also hated JJ but that's a story for another time.
"ANSWER ME DANG IT!!" He yelled and looked at me.
"I-I'm fine... he just touched my wrist..." it hurt my heart to see him like this. He gritted his teeth.
"IM KILLING THAT IDIOT IF HE EVER COMES NEAR YOU AGAIN!!!" He screamed and cried harder coughing really hard.
"B-beka Stop.... your getting worked up over nothing." I said and hugged him. To be honest. My ribs really hurt and my one broken arm felt like it was going to fall off but I didn't tell him that. He was already worked up over it.
(No one's P.O.v)
"So like... Katsudaddy.... should we leave?" Viktor whispered to Yurri.
"Didn't I tell you you weren't aloud to call me that?" Yurri glares at him.
"Sorry...." he mumbled and rested his head on Yurri's.
(Chris.... LOL i would have made Chris JJ since people ship JJ x Yurio. But like OH WELL!!! Thanks for reading!!! Over 700 words!! WHOLEY TRASH NUGGETS!!!)

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