Chapter 19

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(Yurio's p.o.v)
(This is the day after the signing btw)
I was sitting on the couch on my phone while Otabek was doing whatever. When I got a text from Pitchit. (Is that how u spell it? 😂)
(Texting ⬇️)
Pitchit:Hey Yurio! Or whatever u want to be called. Chris JJ and I r going to the pool. Wanna come??
Yurio:um, I guess.....
Pitchit:Cool!! See u there!!
Yurio:wait, y didn't u ask Yuuri to go??
Pitchit:because Viktor and Yuuri are on there hunny moon :3
Yurio:oh. Ok, see u there.
(End of texting⬇️)
I got up and went to find Otabek. He was sitting on the bed on his phone even though the tv was on.
"Hey, I'm going to the pool with Pitchit Chris and JJ. Ok?" I said.
"Mmhm, just be careful around Chris..." he said.
"Ay- ok..." I was about to say something else but he already looked upset.
I walked over and hugged him. "What's wrong." I wasn't going anywhere till he told me what was wrong.
"Nothing, just thinking." He said.
"What r u thinking about??" I asked.
"Stuff, now stop worrying and go get ready." He said,"Although idk how u like water when ur a cat." He smirked.
"HEY!" I laughed a little.
(50 min later)
I was waiting for the other three to get changed into there swim suits. They were taking FOREVER. When they came out Chris was wearing a speedo it looked like underwear which made me feel uncomfortable. Pitchit and JJ's were pretty normal.
"What took u three so long??" I asked annoyed.
"Chris had a sort of a... ya we're leaving it at that ur to young..." said JJ.
"I'm not that much younger then u guys..." I said still annoyed.
"If ur not that young Yurio then maybe I can show u something~" Chris said.
I shuffled away from him and hid behind Pitchit.
"Chris!! What have we told u about that kind of talk in public areas?!" Said JJ.
"Whoops sorry, but he's the only one I haven't done it to~" said Chris.
"AYE I WAS DRUNK U RETARD!!" Said JJ and Pitchit in unison.
"BAKAS!!! Cmon let's get in the pool..." I said.
"Mmmm if we have to....." said Chris.
(Mk, so the reason I wrote this is because in my school if u read 1,000,000 words u got to go on a field trip. I went on that field trip with my friends. We role played Yuri on Ice. Yurio being me. Pitchit being one of my friends  . Chris being another. And JJ being another even though he doesnt know what Yoi is 😂. Anyway hope u enjoyed 😂)

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