Chapter 20

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(Thank you so much for 2k 👁!! That really helped brighten my day 😀)
(Yurio's p.o.v)
JJ, Chris, and Pitchit all look at the pool I, of course, jumped in because it was so freaking hot.
"It's not frozen..." said Chris.
"OF COURSE IT ISNT FROZEN U DOORKNOB ITS A POOL NOT AN ICE RINK!!" I yelled because he was being an idiot.
They all jumped in eventually.
*Time skip*
Then it was getting late, i got out of the pool and grabbed my towel and started drying off.
I went into the changing room and started getting changed when Chris walked in.
"Leaving so soon?" He grabbed the wrist I was putting my shirt on with.
"Hey!! Let go of my wrist you doorknob!!"
I said while trying to get his hand off of my wrist.
He grabbed my other wrist and I automatically looked to the door I was pinned against a wall, with Chris standing there. I kicked him in the balls and he didn't even move..
"It numb there," he said,"From all the things I do to people.."
He kissed my cheek, the tried to kiss my lips but I wouldn't let him, those were for Otabek only (👌).
"Oh cmon~" he said,"Just for a few seconds~"
JJ walked in and grabbed Chris,"WHAT R U DOING?!?!?" He yelled,"WE'VE TALKED ABOUT THIS!!!"
"Oops~ I couldn't help it, he's just so cute~" he said looking at me.
I hurried and put my shirt on. I grabbed my stuff and walked home, since I didn't have a car because um, ya. Pitchit drove me, but I was scared of going back so I walked home.
*time pass*
I got home a lil later then I expected. I saw Otabek on the couch, I hugged him.
"What happened?" He asked,"Did Chris do something?"
I nodded, my head was on his chest and I was hugging him tightly, not wanted to let go.
"It's going to be ok~<3" he said and hugged me.
I felt safe now that I was with Otabek.
(Over 300 words :3 again, tysm to who reads this I couldn't have gotten 2k without u 😀)

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