Chapter 15

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(Yuuri's p.o.v)
It took about 15 minutes to get home. The rest of the day we sat at home. Even when he did ask to go get something for Viktor and Yuuri's wedding. I told him no. I wasn't letting him out of the house till tomorrow. He kept saying he was fine. I didn't really believe him till that night. We were getting ready for bed when he took off his bandages.
"Aye!!" I yelled knowing every time he had his shirt fully off I get a nosebleed.
"I'm fine and I'm going to prove it. Without a shirt on u have to sleep on my chest and if I'm in pain u were right. If not u were wrong." He said with a smirk.
"U know i get a nosebleed when your shirt is off.... I'll get blood all over your chest..." i said while covering my nose.
He came over and took my hand away from my face. "Scaredy cat...." He smirked again.
"I'm not a scaredy cat!!" I yelled.
"Then prove it...." he was still smirking.
"FINE!!! Get in the bed...." I kinda blushed while saying that.
He got in the bed then i got in the bed and Laid on his chest. I fell asleep soon after... I didn't know if Otabek really cared but it was good to have him home.
(Otabek's p.o.v)
Yuri was sleeping on my chest. Like old times. I played with his hair while he slept. It did hurt... but I would do anything just to see my little kitty sleep ok..
(Yurio's p.o.v)
I woke up I was still on Otabek's chest. I wonder if it hurt him, I thought to myself. I looked at Otabek. He looked like he wasnt in pain,I thought again. Then I got up off his chest and went to the kitchen. I made Waffles ,eggs ,and Bacon. I heard Otabek come to the kitchen while I was making Breakfast.
"Good morning~❤️" I said while turning to him.
"Morning~❤️" he said while sitting at the table.
I put a plate of eggs bacon and Waffles (idc about commas) in front of him and then I put some at my seat.
(1 hour later)
We got ready for Yuuri and Viktor's wedding. (I CHANGED THE NAMES AROUND :O) I still wasn't excited to go but I wasn't wearing a tux atleast neither was Otabek since we didn't go look for one.
(20 min later)
We got to the wedding. We sat down in our seats. Happy they were beside each other and waited for the wedding to start. I noticed something in Otabek's pocket I didn't really care. I was happy to have him back. About 5 minutes after we got there the wedding started. I was just curios how this was going to go. I've been to many straight weddings. Never a gay one.
It turns out Viktor wore a tux and Yuuri wore a dress. I laughed a little after seeing him in it.
(30 minutes later "can u hurry this up I'm all out of time cards!")
We were walking out of the chapel when Otabek stopped me. He looked at me and jiggled something in his pocket. He got on one knee and said,"Yuri.... will u marry me...?"
I stood there in shock. We have only been dating for 2 months... and he wants to get married??? I thought to myself. But eventually I said,"Yes...."
he got up and hugged me and then kissed me on the cheek. I smiled. I was going to marry Otabek. :3
(600 WORDS!!! WHOLLY CRAPPP!!!! 😂 anyway hope u enjoyed this chapter because I enjoyed writing it 😂)

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