Chapter 47

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(Tbh was just gonna rant. U got lucky xD)
(Yurio's p.o.v)
I woke up in bed. Otabek's arms around me. I was still in the clothes I was in yesterday. I was facing him look at him sleep. I nuzzled into his chest and laid there.He was warm. But he was also breathing really fast. You couldn't hear it because of how quietly he was doing it. I started to feel worried about why he was breathing so heavily. I Moves ayway from his chest and looked at him. He was was sweating. His face looked mad as heck, and he was wearing a Scared but mad expression on his face. When he woke up he looked at me. He looked scared. He pulled me closer to his chest and hugged me as tight as he could without hurting me. Which wasn't very tight. Knowing that I'm still a little broken. He let me go and looked at me.
"What the heck did u dream about or something happened?!" I asked worriedly.
"Oh..." he said sighing, "it was just a nightmare don't worry about it!" He smiled and messed up my hair.
So I guess that's how my morning started out... it was weird...
(Yuri's p.o.v)
(Back to last night...)
I came home seeing Viktor look at me angrily.
"What did you do?" He asked and still looked angry.
"Y-you just couldn't do that to yurio!! He missed him so much!! I just had t-" I was interrupted by Viktor's lips. Probably just trying to shut me up.
He let go of my lips, "So you took him back to Otabek?" He asked.
"U-uh y-yes..." I Said and took off my glasses.
"I was waiting for that." He said and smiled.
"W-why didn't you like Otabek before now your ok?" I asked a little scared.
"I didn't really like him because he let Chris get to my baby boy again. I felt bad halfway through taking him. But my anger over came it." He sighed and sat on the couch.
"O-oh. Ok hun... do u wanna go to bed or watch a movie?" I asked.
"Let's watch a movie!" He said and we walked to the couch. I sat on Viktor's lap and he turned on "It" I knew why. And I was a little angry. He wanted to make me scared. It worked and I was hugging Viktor tightly and shoving my head into his shoulder halfway through the movie.
(So. How is life Everyone? ;3 ok so what Otabek was dreaming about was really just Yurio getting raped by Chris in front of him. Lol lol. Is it weird that also anytime when I roleplay with my friends when Otabek screams, "HELP IM GETTING RAPED BY CHRIS!!" I also just say, "just let him Rape u" it was actually one time... I was playing apples to apples ;-; XD)

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