Chapter 46

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(I love scrolling throw my chapters and watching the numbers go dOwN xD)
(Yurio's p.o.v)
A few hours later Yuuri told Viktor we were going out. So he just shrugged and we left. Yuuri drove us to an adoption center where he unadopted me and told them he would find someone to house me. So we drove back to MY HOUSE. (Now realizing Yurio isn't aloud to have his own house... lol....) I still had my key but the only problem was... I didn't have my phone. I looked at Yuuri and he handed me it. I smiled and walked inside.
"IM HOME!!!" I yelled making sure to wake up anyone who heard me.
"Mommy!!!" I heard Kayla yell and run towards me hugging my leg.
"Hello Kayla!!" I leaned down and hugged her gently. I still wasn't fully healed from the car accident.
"Yura?" I saw Otabek's head poke out from behind a wall then he came walking towards me. He hugged me. Tightly. Very tightly. He didn't want to let go it felt like.
"Beka!!" I hugged him tightly  I was in a lot of pain because of how much he was hugging me. But oh well. It felt good to be home. Yuuri awkwardly stood there. I looked at him thanked him and he went back home. I felt bad that he was going to have to fight with Viktor. But oh well. I pecked Otabek on the lips and hugged him again. I loved being home!! I slowly fell asleep in Beka's arms... I forgot how comforting they were. There was also the fact I was really tired. But I fell asleep standing up right there hugging Otabek. But I was happy.
(Sorry I haven't updated I'm not going to lie I haven't really been wanting to continue this. I have ideas for other stories. So imma write those probably more frequently. I will still write this one. I don't know for how much longer though. Anyway. Bye~❤️)

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