Chapter 34

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(Yurio's p.o.v)
I woke up with something dripping from my head. Kayla was screaming and Otabek was hyperventilating. I opened my eyes and looked at my car door. It was completely smashed. My legs along with it and a piece of glass flew into my head. I widened my eyes. HOW DID I SLEEP THROUGH THIS?! I wondered as I blacked out from blood loss.
(Otabek's p.o.v)
"I'm gonna kill that guy that ran into us!" I kinda shouted looking at Yuri. (Remember Yuri is Yurio. And Yuuri or Yurri is Yuuri Katsuki) 
"It's going to be ok Dad!!" Said Kayla from the backseat, "Mommy is going to be ok. I don't think he can use his legs though."
"Exactly..." i said.
"Well did I call an ambulance?" Asked Kayla.
I nodded and waited in silence. No one was taking my Yuri from me. And if they do imma find that son of a gun and kill them.
(._. That escalated quickly.. XD I'm reading outsiders so that is some inspiration! (Not really) But JOHNNY X PONY!!!! Screw my class Cherry and Soda will never happen!!!)

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