Chapter 43

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(Viktor's p.o.v)
I was scrolling through Instagram. Mostly looking at my beautiful piglet. And watching Eros a million times. When I found the picture a picture of Otabek and Yurio. I got mad. I h8ed Otabek. I didn't know why. I just did. I got off the couch and yelled, "Yuuri!!! I'll be back!!" I walked out the door and drove to Yurio's house.
*Time Skip*
I got there and Otabek opened the door.
"Yes?" He said with his shirt off and his hair messed up.
"WHAT WHERE YOU DOING WITH MY SON YOU PERV!!!! GIVE ME YURIO AND GWT OUT OF HIS LIFE!!!!" I Yelled And Otabek looked hurt. He called out Yurio.
"D-Dad? Eerrr I mean. Viktor?" He asked as I grabbed his wrist.
"YOUR NEVER ALOUD TO SEE OTABEK AGAIN!!!" I screamed and pulled him away from the door.
"OTABEK!!!" Yurio screamed and cried as I shoved him into the car and locked it.
Otabek stood at the door step crying while Kayla stood there with him watching me leave with Yurio.
"What were u doing with him?" I asked and growled.
"What do u m- HE WAS SLEEPING U DIRTY MINDED FREAK!!" He through something at me. Yeah no way I'm letting him see him again.
(Hah.... yeah. The plan worked. And my shoulder is burning for something I did in the shower. *cough* ANYWAY HOPE U ARE HAPPY!!!)

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