So like...

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Imma end this when Yurio and Otabek get married.... so I had to do research!! They are Legal to get married!! Lol if anyone remembers Otabek proposed to Yurio at Viktor and Yuuri's wedding!! HEEEP!!! Also!!! Whenever I get writers block plz go read something else!! It's usually always with this ONE book!!!! I love you guys to death but still I have other ones!! So plz check those out and I'm trying to update more in this one. Now that it's outta the hospital we should be good!! Now. Reason why I couldn't write!! So. Stuff has being going on at home. Nothing really terrible but enough to make me wanna curl into a ball and never come out. In like October my mom made me stop talking to one of my friends. I had a slight... crush on that friend (still do ;_;). So yey.... Then BEFORE THAT I got bullied by a girl who bullied me in 4th grade. So that wasn't cool. But everything else is peachy! 😊 Anyway!! Love you guys!! Making a second book after this one~!!

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