More Questions!!

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So before I do this again. Imma probably do these when I'm bored or wanna find out a lil bit more about u people. Because like, u guys seem lit xD I will post chapter 50 eventually :33

Q:If I proposed to u, would u say yes or no?
((Only reason I'm asking is because I bought Viktor and Yuri's rings from hottopic xD))

Q:Fairy Tail... or Sword Art Online

Q:Yuri or Yurio?

Q:Otabek or JJ?

Q:Viktor or Minami

Q:Otayuri or Vikturri

I will adios and Chapter 50 will be out sometime this week! 

Otabek x Yurio {{Complete}}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz