Chapter 42

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(Yurio's pov)
I was sitting in the library. I was waiting for Otabek to be done with what he was doing. I laid across one of the couches and went on social media. I was wearing cat ears just because. I was curled in a ball hoping not to run into anyone I know. I looked up. It was Yuri and Pitchit.
"YURIO!!!" Yuri screamed and Pitchit grabbed his phone.
"This is a library no yelling." I looked up and saw Pitchit on Yuri's back. They kicked me and kept doing it. "AbUsE!!!"

~~~LOLOLOL I H8 MY LIFE eeerr time skiiip~
(Otabek's pov)
I walked back from bear (OtAbEaR) club. I made Yuri come along so I could keep an eye on him. He was asleep laying on the couch with his phone out. He must've got bored of waiting... I picked him up bridal style and walked out of the library. Why was Yuri so cute when he slept. He nuzzled into my chest and I smiled and blushed. I love this little kitten more than anything.
(Pitchit's pov)
"Yuri~ I got the pictures." I Said. I was hiding behind trash cans taking pictures of  Otabek and Yurio.
"Good now post them." He laughed evilly as I posted them  and tagged them as "#OTAYURI!"
"Now what do we do boss?" I asked and looked at Yuri.
"Now~ we wait. Operation Viktor hates Otabek's and I'm trying to keep my husband happy is a go!" He said and smiled.
"How would this help that?" I Asked.
"Viktor will see them and forbid Yurio from seeing Otabek." He said and sighed, "if only Viktor Liked Otabek we wouldn't had to do this."
"You think Otabek is ok?" I asked.
"OF COURSE I DO!!!" He said and played with his ring on his finger, "it's just that... Viktor doesn't want him with him and is making me do this. And I love Viktor soooo." He said sheepishly and fixed his glasses.
"Oh~!! Ok!! Will this be all I'm doing?" I asked.
"No. Might need you later. I'll keep you in touch~!" He laughed, "bye pitchit!!" He smiled and walked to his car while I walked to mine.
(Lol lol plot twisssst. I'm writing this while looking at a pretty scenery :3 some of it was from when I was at the library yesterday... Vikturri And Yuri teamed up and kicked me :C but it's Mk because I love them XD)

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