Chapter 54

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(Yurio's p.o.v) ((countdown:2 days))
Everyone was running around like crazy. I was going dress shopping later with Yuuri. I was a little nervous. I was worried I would mess up some how. To try to get my mind off it I decided to walk to our room and watch Happy Tree Friends. ((Ok I talked about it a lot the last chapter it's cartoon animals accidentally killing each other. I love it to the point I would watch it religiously c: ok back to the fan fic)) It got to the point where Flippy had pretty much killed everyone then Yuri walked in.
"Come on, I gotta take your dress shopping." Yuri smiles at me while I turn off my tv. Otabek wasn't home so I just left. Kayla was at Pitchit's prob watching Spanish soap operas. We sat in Viktor's car. The last time I was in it I was taken away from Otabek...
"Hey... Yuri why aren't we using your car?" I asked.
"Oh... I ran into a tree yesterday so my car isn't done getting worked on yet.." he said sheepishly.
"Are you hurt...?" I asked even though I knew the answer.
"Am I driving you idiot?" He said annoyed as we pulled into the parking lot.
"Heh... true..." I said.
We walked inside. I looked around at all of the dresses, they looked really stupid.
"How about, this one? Since your scrawny it won't look that bad, plus you might actually look like a girl." Yuuri said.
"I'll try it on..." I mumbled.
I went into a changing room and took off my hoodie and the rest of my clothes. I put on the dress. I did look like a girl. It was nice I guess. It exposed my shoulders. It was nice. I walked out to show Yuuri and he started crying he thought it was so beautiful so I decided to get that one. I went back into the changing room and changed back into my normal clothes then Yuuri bought the dress. He had promised since the whole Viktor incident. I was happy and the wedding was only 2 days away. I was excited.
((I suck at updating!! I'm so sorry!! I can't even write!! I'm terrible I'm so sorry!! You guys have taken me so far and I can't even find time to update!! Ugh.... Dx I just haven't really felt like it... My gay babies just haven't been number one ship rn... love you guys!! Next chapter will be in Otabek's p.o.v!!))

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