Chapter 29

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(Yurio's p.o.v)
I stared at the door then looked at Vikturri.
"Please go to your room..." I said as my voice shook a little.
"Ok!!" She said and she scurried up to her room.
I turned back around and opened the door.
"What do u want?" I asked my voice still shaking a little.
"Is u an option?" He asked with a smirk.
"No Chris!!! Go away!!!" I yelled and growled all though my mind was telling me to run and hide in a closet till it was over.
"Oh come on~" he said as he slowly walked in making me back up. I tripped and fell. Chris climbed over top of me. I growled and tried to push him off. It was no use. He slowly kissed me as I kept growing to push him off. Just then Otabek opened the door.
(OHHHHH!!! Updating tomorrow 😂😂 the bus is boring :I)

Otabek x Yurio {{Complete}}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz