Chapter 24

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(Yurio's p.o.v)
I sat next to Otabek and watched Kayla play with my cat. I got a call from Viktor and loved his timing and went into the other room.
"Hello son :D" said Viktor.
"I'm not ur son! -.- anyway what do u want?" I asked annoyed.
"Mom who's on the phone?" Asked Kayla.
"When did u start calling me mom?!? I'm a guy!! Also I'm not ur Parent u showed up here for no reason u should go back home anyway!" I said.
"U have a kid?!" Viktor asked extremely happy.
I hung up and looked at Kayla. "Listen the only way I'll adopt u is if ur an orphan other than that get out of my house!" I yelled.
She started crying. She ran over to Otabek.(age change Kayla is actually six) she came back with Otabek holding her.
"Cmon y u gotta be so mean, u jealous I think she's cute?" Said Otabek with a smirk.
"N-no!" I stuttered.
"She told me she was up for adoption so meet r new daughter!" Otabek said holding Kayla proudly. 
(Sorry for the age change I needed to make her age more appropriate for the way she was acting. Because ur definitely 12 and being held by Otabek like ur 2.)

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