Chapter 48

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(Otabek's p.o.v)
I told Yuri to go watch tv while I thought about my dream. I was laying in bed I took my shirt off because I was hot. I closed my eyes and thought. That's when Kayla walked in. She crawled onto my bed and nudged my arm. I looked beside me and smiled.
"Yes princess?" I asked as I sat up.
"Why are u all alone? Did mommy get taken again?!" Her voice sounded a little shaky.
"No!! No!!" I Said and hugged her, "not at all sweat pea!! Mommy is just in the living room." I kissed her head.
"Is mommy going to leave us again?" She asked and started full out crying.
"N-no princess!!" I Said and hugged her tighter.
She sat there crying in my arms. I picked her up and walked to the living room with her hanging around my neck. She was still crying a little but I gave her to Yuri anyway. He looked up at me then at the crying Kayla in her lap. He looked really confused. I explained to him how she thought he was going to leave again. Then he hugged Kayla and kissed her head. I smiled and sat beside them putting my arm around Yuri. He leaned against me while hugging Kayla. I turned on spongebob. I was still thinking about the dream. I couldn't help it. It was just... i don't know. I sighed and closed my eyes. I wish I could forget...
(So... I'm prob gonna start a new Otayuri book. I'm still gonna finish this 💕)

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