Chapter 44

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(Yurio's p.o.v)
I sat at the window sill watching the leaves fall from the tress and the last few days of fall go by. I was sad and mad and I wanted to curl into a ball and die. I wasn't aloud to see talk about think or even text Otabek. I hated it!!! I was always so bored! I wasn't aloud to see Kayla. And Viktor was always watching me. And when he wasn't Yuuri was. Yuuri was the only one who didn't want this to happen besides me. Vikturri (again I'm not 100% sure how to spell Yurri/Yuuri.) could care less. She was happy I was around. The first night I was forced to stay here I cried myself to sleep. I missed Otabek and Kayla. They didn't even have custody over me. Which was dumb already!! Why could they boss me around?! It's like I wanted to stay!! I didn't. I just wanted to see Otabek. And with the moment I started to cry again. All that was on my mind was Otabek.
(Otabek's p.o.v)
I chased Kayla around the house hoping to keep her happy since Yuri hasn't been around. (Remember Yuri=Yurio XD no confusion!) I decided to take a walk. I brought Kayla along we walked for a while then as I rested at a park she was swinging on the swings. I sat there and starred at the tree above me and thought to myself about Yuri. I missed him so freaking much. I didn't show it though. One day he would be back. I would hope at least. I sighed and watched Kayla as I saw two people walking around the park that looked happy and/or in love. One had grayish hair and reddish eyes. The other dark hair almost black with blue eyes. He was wearing a beanie and was smiling but checking his phone a lot. I didn't pay attention to it to much and went back to watching Kayla. I looked over again to see a pink haired girl with pink eyes looking mad as heck stand in the bushes. She was holding a knife and that's how I knew it was time to head home. I called for Kayla and she came running and we walked home. I looked back once more and saw the girl had the same exact phone as the dark haired boy and the gray haired boy had one to. Next thing I know I see the gray harried kid's head get chopped off.
"AKISE!!" The dark hair boy screamed and looked at the pink haired girl, "YUNO THE HECK WAS THAT FOR?!" He yelled at her.
"He was getting to close my love!!" She said and stuck out her tongue and hugged him.
I kinda just kept walking. These people were weird.
(Lol so i broke the fourth wall again. This time with Future Diary.)

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