Let's Kill Tonight- Brendon Urie Request

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- Requested by @InsaneLynx - Ghost written by EmoTrinitySpirit - 

It was the best night of my life. I'd waited 4 years to go to this concert, and after 4 years of begging and pleading with my mom to let me go; she finally got me the tickets for my 18th birthday. I was supposed to go with my best friend to the concert, but she ended up getting sick the night before. With no one left to go with, I sure as hell wasn't missing the concert. So I just went alone. 

When AC/DC walked out on that stage, I was basically hyperventilating. I jumped up and down, screamed all the lyrics as loud as I fucking could, and rocked out with people just like myself. It was just the best night and the best birthday present ever.

Brendon's Point Of View;  

The AC/DC concert was fucking amazing. The music that I loved so much was being played live right in front of my face, and I was in love. It also didn't hurt that a pretty girl beside me was jumping along, and singing the lyrics too. She was practically the perfect girl for me, and I didn't even know her.  

She was like me...She loved the music we were listening to, she wasn't afraid to jump and scream along with the rest of us, and she knew all the words to ever song. I wanted to talk to her...So I figured I would.  

"Hi!" I yelled over the music.  

She looked over at me and smiled.  

"Hey," she replied, raising her voice so that I could hear her over the music.   

"I'm Brendon," I told her, hoping to get her name as well as her number.

"I'm Violet," she smiled.


That name really suited her. It was pretty and kind of mysterious...Just like she seemed to be. I smiled at her.

"So you like rock?" I asked.

She nodded.

"Oh yeah, it's my favorite genre of music," she said.

Oh dear lord help me, this girl will be the death of me.

"Mine too!" I said.

She smiled again.

It was enticing. It was like when she smiled and her eyes lit up; I couldn't look away. Not even for a second.

"So...Do you have anything to do this Friday night?" I asked her, hoping to god she'd say no.

But then say yes to spending her Friday night with me.

"Nope, I'm free," she stated.

"Me too...So maybe you'd wanna spend your Friday night with me? On a date?" I asked hopefully.

And she smiled once more.


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