Fans of each other & Future lovers- Awsten Knight Request

713 11 1

Requested by GoodGraveGirl
(Thanks for the requests, lovely!)


"I'll be your optimistic black hole! FULL OF LOVE I CAN'T CONTROL!" The fans sung/yelled along, it made me so emotional. 

"Don't cry,  you beautiful person!" Someone yelled, it sounded too familiar. I couldn't seem to point out he or she or they were.

"Whoever you are, you better be at the meet and greet!" I yelled back, continuing on with the show.


The show ended after an hour or so and I couldn't wait for the meet and greet. I had a Waterparks shirt to be signed. It's been obvious that Awsten has stalked my instagram and I've stalked his. I wouldn't think of him as a fan though, just interested. We both make music, have decent fan-bases so it wasn't impossible that we were fans of each other. That obviously could just be made up in my brain though.

The line moved up, getting out early was one of the best ideas I've ever had. They were all so damn adorable! Especially Awsten though, just saying. 

"Next!" The lady security guard yelled, it was finally my turn! Awsten was big eyed while Geoff and Otto didn't pay attention. I waved and smiled. He stood up and hugged me tightly.

"Hi!" I exclaimed, hugging back. He was so tall yet I never even noticed.

"You're Y/n, right?" He asked, pulling away and giggling.

"Yeah! You're Awsten? I'm a big fan of Waterparks and Felony Steve." He nodded, smiling.

"I'm a fan of your band as well!" 

"Do you wanna like, take a picture together?" He asked, being his smol little smiley self. 

Time Skip

Awsten had given me his number, I gave him mine and I had finally gotten home. I flopped down onto the couch. I unlocked my phone, looking at any of the interesting notifications I get. 


Awsten- Hey! It's Awsten, wanna go on a date this Saturday?

I screamed and threw my phone on the coffee table. I got all hyped up on the inside, becoming a smiling mess. "No way!" I yelled through my echoey apartment. I picked my phone back up, typing out my answer.

Me- Of course! 

We'll see how this goes! 

Time Skip

I flattened my sweater out, there was that most anticipated knock on the door. I opened it and it was just a delivery man. I was slightly disappointed but he could've just been late. I sighed, taking my box and thanking the guy. I went back inside my apartment, taking my shoes off and wanting to cry.

"He's not going to show up." I mumbled as it had been a good thirty minutes.

Then there was another knock, I didn't bother looking through the peephole since I didn't want to be disappointed. Somebody, who I guessed was Awsten, held a giant teddy bear. "Awsten is sorry he is late so here's a big teddy bear instead because he doesn't want to show his face since he's been crying." The bear wasn't kidding, he dropped the bear and his face was tearstained with big, beautiful puffy eyes.

"Why were you crying?" I hugged him, holding tightly as he hugged back.

"I felt bad. I didn't want to be late and have you think I was a douche bag. Traffic was a nightmare but I'm here now."

"It's pretty late though, do you just want to hang out here?" He nodded, letting go of our embrace.

"Yeah but can I ask you something?" Awsten asked nervously, stuffing his hands in his pockets. I nodded, playing with the sleeves of my sweater.

"Maybe, um, you'd like to be my girlfriend? If you'd want to?" He replied with another question.

"Yes, yes of course!" Awsten leaned in, kissing me softly. We pulled away about a few seconds after.

"Y/n, I love you."

"Aws, I love you too."

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