We'll make it through- Geoff Wigington

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|Y/ex/n - Your exes name |

My boyfriend, well now ex, Y/ex/n, had just broken up with me. The worst part was (he/she) knew I wasn't in a happy mindset, I had fallen into a depressed state from years ago. (He/She) was the only one whoever loved me sincerely, now it's all gone. My roommate, Geoff hadn't gotten home yet so I'd thought it be an alright time to let loose.

I felt the sadness creep it's way onto me and grab ahold of my throat, a sob finally escaped. I grabbed an old box of Polaroids from the supposed 'golden days'. The tears streamed down my face at full force as I opened the box. The first picture was the most painful. I was sitting on y/ex/n's lap and we were kissing. I already knew I couldn't take anymore of this.

I heard the front door open and close as well, fuck. I clutched my stomach and leaned back into the side of my bed. It hurts so badly.

"Now my world is shattering. Only because of you." I blinked tears and said aloud to my loneliness.

I put the polaroid on my thigh, remembering how much I missed it all. There was a knock on my door, I wiped my eyes and took a deep breath.

"Yeah?" I called out weakly, it was so obvious that I was crying.

"Y/n, can we talk?" Geoff asked, coming in my room and closing the door behind him.

"Yeah..." I mumbled and he sat down next to me.

"You guys broke up, huh?" I nodded and ripped the picture in half. It didn't feel any better. It all still hurt.

"Why'd you do that?" Geoff asked lightly.

"I don't want to love (him/her) but I still do." I threw the pieces into the box and kicked it to the back of my closet. He just tilted his head with confusion.

"You want a reason, huh?" He nodded, I sighed.

"So, (he/she) faked (his/her) love for a fucking year not to hurt me. Then every night he'd go to some chicks house with some stupid excuse that was obvious. (He/she) is just a fucked up human being. I don't even know why I'm crying." I wiped my eyes again and pushed a piece of hair out of my face. Geoff put his arm around me and I leaned into his chest.

"I think it was because you didn't realize how much of a selfish, douchebag (he/she) was. More or so that you loved (him/her) and missed (him/her) so much." He replied, keeping his arm around my shoulders.

"Thanks, Geoff." I looked up at him and sniffled.

"For what?"

"Ya know. Everything. Being here, listening and being one of the only ones who cared." I brought my knees up to my chest, still leaning into his.

"Always. Do you think I could ask you something?" I nodded and coughed into my arm.

"I know it's a bit soon. But maybe you and I could be together?" He asked, it definitely wasn't what I was expecting.

"O-of course. I think we could." We kissed and it meant everything to me. Then we separated and I couldn't exactly explain what I was feeling.

"I love you." Geoff said, hugging me. For once I didn't have to say it first or without meaning.

"I love you too."

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