You don't phase me- Kellic x Reader

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Kel and I were having a celebration party for Sleeping with Sirens' release of their new album, Gossip.

I watched as Kellin chased Copeland around the pool, my anxiety from past years faded a while ago since she knew not to go too close to the edge.

I spun around on my heel, heading for the kitchen. Unexpectedly, there was a knock at the door. The party wasn't supposed to start for another hour and a half. Early was better, I guess or Vic forgot his house key.

I got to the door, being too short to see in the windows above. I opened it, unaware and definitely not prepared for who was behind it. There stood, Mom, Dad, also, my ex and Kellin's ex-band member, Jesse.

"Hello there doll face." Jesse said, smirking and leaning on the doorframe.

"Hi dear!" Mom said cheerfully while Dad waved and tried to give me a hug.

"Why in the hell are you guys here, and what the fuck do you want?" I put my hands to my hips, but I tried to keep my voice down for Kellin and Copeland's sake. Luckily for me, Vic didn't get back from the studio just yet.

"I told you both she had gotten crazy." Jesse stated, shaking his head but kept his gaze straight on me.

Kellin's Pov

I had just took a break from running around and playing tag with Copeland. I heard Y/N talking to someone at the door, I wasn't sure who it was but I decided to go see anyways.

"Where are you going, daddy? Aren't we going to play some more?" A little voice asked from behind me.

"I'm sorry, baby. I gotta go help mommy. How about when Vic gets home, you can ask him to play with you?" She nodded and went off to find something to do.

1 girl down, 1 more to help.

"I wasn't the crazy one!" Y/N exclaimed, this can't be good.

I put my hand on her shoulder as she crossed her arms and looked up at me.

"Babe, why are your parents and your ex here?"

"They just fucking showed up. Trust me, Kels. I didn't invite them." Y/N shook her head and sighed.

"Aw, pretty boys trying to save the day, where's thing 3, gay boy?" Jesse blurted out and laughed like a little fuck.

"Shut the fuck up, Lawson. There's a difference between Gay and Bi. Get it right." I lashed out, when it came to protecting my sexuality and both of my loves it was important.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Vic's car pull up, good timing. He was partially sweaty, since it was a half an hour drive from and to the studio.

He got out and locked his car, giving me a confused look while Y/N was still arguing with the three idiots in-front of us because they didn't want to leave.

"I think it's time for you three to leave and stay away from my family." Vic crossed his arms and bit his lip.

All three of them rolled their eyes and made their way towards their cars.

"Bye sweet cheeks." Jesse mumbled, Y/N flipped him off and put her head into my shoulder.

Vic came in and closed the door. "I wanna cry." Y/N whispered into my shoulder. I explained everything to Vic, keeping my arms around her.

"It's all gonna be alright for the four of us, the fourth being Cope. We're not going to deal with them again. You both mean the world to me and I don't want you to be sad about them, Y/N. Okay?" Y/N nodded while a tear escaped her eye.

I pulled them both into a group hug, I want to protect them. Maybe I should let Vic take the lead for once.

No matter what, I stay strong for my family.

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