Chapter 8

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Kendall's POV

I'm extra moody today.

It's that time of month and all i want is my dad. I miss him and the boys. And it's been a few weeks since they flew down to see me for the first day of school. Max and i have been closer than ever since we kissed underwater, we've been on a few dates and eventually he asked me to be his girlfriends and i happily said yes. "Mother!" i whined and walked into the kitchen "What's up hun?" she asked "I really, really miss dad.. i want to see him on set! please let me go!" i begged "Kenny.. you know how iffy i am about you being on a plane by yourself.. i would come with you but if we're on set it can be scary for JJ" she replied. 

"But that's the thing! i won't be alone! i'll have Max with me.. he loves supernatural just as much as i still do.. when we arrive in Vancouver Clif can pick us up and drive us to set.." i explain, hoping she will finally say yes "Fine.. But! only if Max comes with you and Clif drives you both to the set" she says sternly, I jump up and down in excitement and hug her quickly before running to my room to start packing. I also ring Max in the process. "Babe! Oh my god guess what!" I yelled through the phone "Hey what's up?" He chuckled "How would you like to fly to Vancouver?" I smiled widely even though he can't see me "It is what I think it is?!" He asked sounding more alert.

"Yep! We're finally going to the Supernatural set!" I exclaimed "yes! I'll be right there as soon as I can! Bye baby.." we hung up the phone and I continued to pack my suitcase. "Hi sissy!" JJ smiled and jumped on my bed "Hey monkey!" I smiled back "We are you going?" She asked "I'm going to see daddy, uncle Jared and Uncle Misha! I miss them very much" I replied "Oooh can I come with you?" JJ begged "Sorry Monkey.. it's only me and Max that are going but one day I'll get mum to bring you along" I reassure her as she nods sadly. "Babe?! I'm here!" Max called "in my room!" I replied "Hey! I can freaking wait!" I exclaimed and hugged him tightly "Ready to go?" He asked "Definitely.." I smile widely and nod my head.

We walked into the living room where mum was. "I booked your plane tickets.." she said "Business class.." she added "Crap! I've never been in business class.. thanks so much mum!" I smiled and hugged her "Shall we get going?" Max and i both nodded eagerly and buckled the kids in there car seats and got in ourselves.


"Please be careful! The both of you okay?!" Mum said "We will be fine mum! We promise" I say "Okay go on then, don't wanna miss your flight, I'll let the school know that you won't be in for a few days" mum hugs me and kisses my cheek, I then bend down to JJ "Okay Monkey.. I'll see you very soon, help mummy around the house and look after Arrow and Zeppelin for her okay?" I smile "Okay!" She smiles back and hugs me "Bye monkey" I ruffle her hair and stand up. We wave goodbye to mum and board the plane. Business class is amazing! It's like a big bed. "Oh my god! This is so comfortable!" I sigh happily "And they even have a fluffy blanket!" I add.

We got settled into our seats we were waiting for everyone else to board the plane and so I watched the movie choices that had on the screen. After the first movie had finished I was feeling lonely, so I popped my head over Max's and kissed the top of his head "Hey baby girl.. what's up" he smiled "I'm feeling lonely.. can I lie down I'm with you?" I asked "Of course! Come here" he moved over slightly and patted the space next to him "Can we fit?" I questioned "I'm sure we can" he nodded as I slid in next to him and cuddled up under the blanket "This is what I call heaven" I smile.

For the rest of the plane ride we talked, laughed, watched movies and laughed some more because we got noise complaints from other passengers for being to loud.

*6 Hours Later*

Max and i interlaced our hands together as we waited for Clif to pick us up. We stood like that for a good 10 minutes before a black van pulled up in front of us and Clif got out. "Hey Clif! Long time no see!" I smile as he stuffs our suitcases in the trunk "Hey guys! Jensen, Jared and Misha are really excited to see you guys again, they miss you a lot especially Jensen" he laughs. We all get into the warm car and enjoy the ride to set. We passed through these big gates which was of course the entrance to the studio.

Once the car was parked Max and I literally jumped out of the car and ran around like mad men. And that's when I saw her. In the flesh.. or should I say in the metal, her black shiny metal shining in the sun, looking as perfect as ever. We looked over at each other and whipped out our phones, instantly taking photo's of the beauty in front of us. I open the door and sigh as i keep opening and closing it to hear the squeakiness. Opening the car door once again and sliding into the drivers seat. I take loads of photos and posting them on instagram and snapchat.


1,071,229 LikesKendallAckles: Look at her😍Comments:@Wincest: Baby😍@Destiel: Yes!@AKF-Padalecki: What a beauty!

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KendallAckles: Look at her😍
@Wincest: Baby😍
@Destiel: Yes!
@AKF-Padalecki: What a beauty!

I grazed my fingers along her side and opened the trunk seeing the devil's trap on the hood and all the prop guns all in its correct place. I sit on top of the trunk and Max in between my legs. "I can not believe we are here.." i smiled "I know! it's crazy that i'm actually on set of supernatural!" he exclaimed "Be the Castiel to my Dean" i say and kiss him, it was silent for a moment, we were just staring at each other "Too cheesy?" i question "A little bit! just a little" Max laughs and pecks my lips again. 

"Don't touch baby!" someone yelled, a smile played on my lips as we turn around to see Dad, Jared and Misha walking up to us and the awesome thing is they were in 'character' outfits. I ran up to dad and him as tight as i could "Your finally here!" he laughed, dad went to let go of me so i could hug Misha and Jared but i hung onto him for dear life. "Time of month.." i hear Max whisper "Her hormones are all over the place.. she's probably crying because she misses you so much" "Oh shut up!" i chuckled and let go of dad.

"Then what's that rolling down your cheeks?" Max joked. He was right, i missed my dad so much i was crying. I don't know if the crying was because it's that time of month or not the case at all. I quickly wiped my tears away as i hugged Misha and Jared. "Come on! show us the bunker!" i yelled "Show us the bunker!" Max repeated and took ahold of my hand as we ran towards the building itself.

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