Chapter 28

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Kendall's POV

"Hey Sweetheart.. can you be a dear and take all the kids out today?" mum asked "Even the twins and Odette?" i say, she nods back in response "Uh sure where to?" "Anywhere.. play centre.. park.. go out for ice cream.." she suggested "Okay awesome.. i'll get dressed and let the boys know" i walked back to my room to see everyone still asleep. I walked over to my suitcase and put on leggings, a hoodie and put my hair into a loose bun. i then walked over to the bed and straddled Jason. I kissed all over his face repeatedly, he stirred but went back to sleep. I started to kiss down his chest and to the hem of his boxers.

"5 more minutes.." he frowned and mumbled. I rolled my eyes and did the next best thing to wake him up. Squeeze his balls. "SHIT, FUCK! OW!" He yelled, his eyes going wide "We are going out with the kids" i say and get off of him. I do the same with the others and they react the same exact way. After a long of arguing with them and threatening to squeeze their balls again they finally got up and got dressed. "So why exactly are we taking the kids out?" i asked "Because your father, Jared and Misha are filming fighting scenes and the kids might freak out and get scared" mum replied.

"Now.. theres a rental van parked outside so just use that for most of the day then drop them off here with Gen and i and you'll go to set so you can start practising on set" she adds. I put the babies in the strollers and we walked down to the lobby and into the car.

*At The Play Centre*

"Give me your shoes and go and play!" i smiled as they gave me their shoes and we sat down. It was silent at first and Jason and his friends were fidgeting in their seats "Fine! go!" i say "Really!" Jason smiled "Yeah go on.. just be careful of your leg, you still have that cast on" i added "Thank you baby!" he grins and runs off with his friends "Looks like it's just you and me now" i mumble and kiss Arrow's forehead. "Kendall?" A guy i recognize as Ben approaches me "Ben! hi!" i smile and get up to hug him "Hey! what are you doing here?" he asks "Just to entertain the kids.. my dad, Jared and Misha are filming a fighting scene and the kids will freak out and get scared"

"Are you here by yourself?" "No, i'm here with my boyfriend Jason and our friends, they flew over this morning but they are currently in the play area" i replied "What about you? what are you here for?" i ask "My little cousin's 3rd birthday.. speaking of cousin i have to get back to them, i just saw you here and thought i should say hi" Ben says "Okay, hope to hang out sometime soon" I smile and wave to him goodbye as he walks away and I sit down with a sigh. "Kendall! Oh my god! It's Kendall Ackles!" A group of fans came up to me with big smiles on their faces. I place Arrow back in her stroller and stand up to greet the fans and take photos.

"Hey guys, how are you?" A mixture of 'good' and 'awesome' were heard and we continued to talk and have a good time and taking lots of photos. "And who are those hunky guys behind you?" One girl said with a smirk, I turned around to see Jason and the boys smiling at me "That is Jason! My boyfriend and our best friends Ethan, Zach, Chris and Dylan" I replied, I motioned for the guys to walk over to us and they did "Guys these are some fans we were having an amazing time and I think they wanted to take some photos with you 'Hunky guys'" I teased "Yeah of course!" Jason said and I took all the photos for them.

"I hope you don't mind but before we all go could we see the twins and Odette? And take photos?" Someone asks "Yeah! Of course" I nodded and flipped over the blanket to reveal all three kids wide awake and making baby gurgling noises, happy as ever. "Aww! Hello baby Odette! Baby Zeppelin and Baby Arrow!" They all cooed. After all the fans had left Tom, Shep and JJ wanted me to play with them in the play area with them, so i went with them while Jason and the guys looked after the twins and Odette.  

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