Chapter 56

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Kendall's POV

'Castiel' clicked his fingers again and the cemetery changed to mum and dads house. "JJ? Arrow? Zeppelin? Oh my god.. and Tom! Shep! And Odette!" I cry. Shep and JJ are 24.. Tom is 26 and Arrow, Zeppelin and Odette are 21. Tom kissed JJ on the lips and I went wide eyed "Tom and JJ are Married.. Shep and Arrow are boyfriend and girlfriend and so is Zeppelin and Odette" 'Castiel' says. It's like a dream come true! All the kids end up together, but I'm not here. JJ turns around and I gasp in surprise, seeing JJ's 8 months pregnant.

"I can't wait till our baby girl is born" JJ smiles and looks up at Tom "What are you naming her?" Mum asked "Kendall of course.. I've always wanted to name my baby girl after Kendall so every time I say her name it instantly reminds me of my big sis" JJ tears up and so do I. Jack then walks into the kitchen, "Uh grandpa Jensen?" Jack questions "Yes Jack.." dad replied "I want to know more about my mum.. I went through old pictures of her and I thought it was time for me to know more about her" Jack said "Of course I can tell you about her.. let's go to the backyard" they both walk to the backyard and sit on the chairs on the patio.

"Well your mother was an angel.. she was a beautiful, bright, smart and a hard working lady, she met your father in high school at the age of 16.. she went to Stanford university.. she had you when she was in university but she still managed to get through it and got a degree in Film.. your dad then proposed to her and once you were born they got married, the first time your dad wanted to do something crazy before getting married so he went skydiving but that ended terribly because he landed in a tree and injured himself so they postponed the wedding and when they did it for the second time right before their 'I do's' your mother and father's ex's objected...

When Jason saw his Ex he kissed her right in front of your poor mother.. of course she couldn't deal with it so she came back home and decided to take a relaxing bath... she was in there for at least 2 or so hours and I was starting to get worried, I started banging and knocking on the door and when I finally knocked it down I found the worst sight in front of me.. I found your mother in the bathtub.. dead.. she uh.. s-slit her w-wrists and drowned h-herself.. she was only 24.." dad tried not to cry in front of Jack but it didn't matter because Jack was also crying and so was I. "What about my dad? Where is he?" Jack asked "I don't know Kiddo.. We haven't seen him or talked to him in the last 15 years" dad replied.

"Take me back! Bring me back Castiel! I don't want to die!" I sobbed. With one snap of a finger my eyes shoot open and I gasp trying to breath. My arms are bandaged up from what i had done to myself and Dad was the first one to rush up to me and hugs me tighter than ever, i hug equally as tight not wanting to let go of him. "Dad!" I croak out "Why the hell did you do this to yourself?" he asks "I couldn't deal with what happened with Jason and i.. i can never forgive him again" i cried. Eventually everyone got to hug me and we all just sat around laughing until finally i could go home.

"Hey guys, listen to this.. while i was you know.. dead.. i met my guardian Angel his name was Castiel and he showed me what your life's were like without me and it was 15 years later and you all visited my grave on my 39th birthday then JJ! was JJ fucking Padalecki and she was 8 months pregnant, naming her baby girl 'Kendall' after me.. Shep and Arrow were together and also Zeppelin and Odette were together.. then there was my baby boy Jack at 15 years old ask about me and what i was like and what Jason was like but when i saw you both crying i instantly had to come back.. i couldn't deal with not being with you guys" i explain "Well you made the best choice coming back to us honey" mum smiled and caressed my hand.

When we got back home all the kids swarmed me into a big group hug. I noticed JJ was crying and that made me start to cry. "Oh Monkey! please don't cry babe!" i hug her tightly and she hugs back "I'm here okay?! i'm here honey" i hold her in my arms as she continues to cry "Stop crying okay? Please stop crying for me please monkey.. if you want you can stay with me in my bed tonight and i'll take everyone to school tomorrow as well" i wipe the tears from her cheeks and she nods. After all my friends, Aunt Gen, Uncle Jared, Tom, Shep and Odette left we went out for dinner then came back home, feed Jack, put him to bed and JJ and i got into my bed and soon fell into a peaceful sleep.

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