Chapter 49

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Kendall's POV

It's Christmas Eve and I'm in Nebraska with my family. Jason, his parents, cousins, aunts and uncles go to Nebraska to see their grandparents every Christmas. Jason thought It would be a great idea if we all could come along as well. So here we all are, crowded around the door and rang the doorbell. A lady with long dark brown hair and light brown eyes just like mine, opened the door. All the little kids ran straight inside while the adults hugged and greeted this lady then moved on. "I believe we haven't met before" she smiled, shaking my hand. 

"No we haven't.. I'm Kendall Ackles, these are my parents, Jensen and Danneel Ackles, This is JJ, Zeppelin and Arrow my little sisters and brother, Jason is my fiancé and this little guy is Jack, he's 6 months old now" I introduced everyone as they all shook hands "Nice to meet you all! I'm Michelle Waters and this is my husband Nick Waters.. we are great friends with Jason and his family.." a guy with light brown hair and hazel eyes walked up to the door with a big smile on his face "So you guys can go up to your rooms and make yourselves at home!" Jason and I walked into an empty room and I sigh as I close the door behind me.

"That was freaky" I say "What was babe?" He asked "Michelle and Nick! This might sound like I'm nuts but they had the same exact last name as me before i became an Ackles, Nick had hazel eyes and so do I! Michelle has dark brown hair and so do I! That can only mean one thing... they are my actual parents!" I exclaimed "Hey sunshine.. don't get your hopes up, maybe it's just a coincidence" he shrugged his shoulders "Didn't you say your parents passed anyways?" Jason added "Well yeah.. but everyone in that orphanage lied to us, told us things so we wouldn't ask them the same questions over and over again" I sighed, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I don't know honey.. as crazy as it sounds, what if they are my actual parents!?" I say, before Jason could say anything the door opened and Michelle walked in "Hi Kendall, hi Jason... why don't you three come downstairs with the rest of us so we can get to know one another" she suggested "Yeah! Sure!" I nodded my head and we walked back into the living room.

|K-Kendall | M-Michelle | N-Nick |

M- "So Kendall how old are you?"

K- "24"

N- "Do you work?"

K- "Not yet.. But I did get a degree in Film Production, I just graduated from Stanford"

N- "Wow! Babe, our daughter- uh I mean Kendall graduated from one of the best universities"

'Did you here that!? He just said 'our daughter'! He was talking about me!' I exclaimed in my head.

M- "That's amazing Kendall!"

K- "So do you have any kids?"

N- "Um.. no.. maybe soon though"

K- "How long have you both known Jason and his family for?"

M- "Since we were 16.. nicest family you could ever meet"

K- "Not to be rude or anything but how old are you guys"

N- "Your mother- I mean Michelle and I are 37"

'There he goes again!'

"I'm sorry but why do you keep saying that I'm your daughter and Michelle is my mum?" I asked getting really annoyed, Nick and Michelle looked at each other then back at me "Fine you really wanna know?" Michelle asked as I nodded in response "Well... truth is.. we are you parents" I looked at them shocked, tears blur my vision as I look up at Jason, he then kisses my forehead. "Are you kidding! You waited 24 years for that! I was in and out of horrible foster families up until these amazing people adopted me into their family.." I cried.

"They told me that you guys were dead! From a severe car crash" I added, without another word I put Jack on Jason's lap and ran out of the room and into the backyard. I can't believe what I just heard. I mean I thought about it being possible but I thought it was just a coincidence. I heard the back door open and close. "Kiddo?" Dad sat down next to me on the patio chair swing, I leaned my head on his chest as he comforted me. "Hey... talk to me.." he whispered "I can't believe it... I have parents! This is crazy.. this is v-very c-crazy.." i sobbed "Don't cry Kiddo! Shh" he cooed, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"I am not talking to them.. you are my parents and I'm not going to get to know them, I'm not going to invite them to our wedding.. and I am NOT! Letting 'Nick' walk me down the aisle! You are!" I exclaimed "Aw sweetheart.. you gotta give them a chance" he said "No.. hell no... I'm going up to my room" I sighed and got up, walking straight past everyone and up to my room.




"It's me sunshine... and Jack"

Jason opened the door and sat down next to me on the edge of the bed. "Why don't you give them a chance.. they told us the whole story and how terrible they feel about everything.. I can tell you what they said if you want" Jason says kissing my hand "Okay go ahead" I nodded "They were only 14 when they had you.. they had no idea how to raise a baby at such a young age so they both agreed to put you in an orphanage.. they thought it would be the best thing to do but after they left they already missed you terribly but it was to late" he explained "I'm still not talking to them" I shake my head.

"You have to eventually baby.." he caresses my hand "I came here with my family and you and your family to have a great time here for a few days but the first hour I was already told that my parents are alive! I still can't believe it" I say "Alright fine but at least come downstairs, we're having my grandma's chicken soup on this very cold day and you don't even have to talk to Michelle and Nick" I nodded my head and we both walked back downstairs to the dining table. I sat on the farthest side from my so called parents and we all began to eat the surprisingly delicious soup. I also feed Jack in the process with a towel of course covering myself.

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