Chapter 42

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Kendall's POV

Ever since Brad raped me for the second time i've been seeing the University's counselor, whether it's to just talk about random things like my family, Jason or the baby or about Brad and how i feel about what he did to me. It just feels amazing to get things like this off my chest.

| C-Counselor | K-Kendall |

C- "So Miss Ackles.. how are we today?"

K- "Hurting.. alot.. my back and my feet the most"

C- "Do you get lots of sleep?"

K- "Depends.. sometimes i sleep 7-8 hours straight without waking up or i wake up every 3 or so hours because of the back pains"

C- "And how's your family? did you do any fun things with them while you spent the weekend with them?"

K- "Yeah we did, we went to our High School football game and our team won of course, these 15 year olds came up to me and tried all these pick up lines which were hilarious then after the game ended my little sister and her friends were playing with the football and she tackled him to the ground and i had a fangirl moment because it looked like they were about to kiss and i've always loved the two together since the start"

C- "What about your baby? have you thought of any names?"

K- "Yep.. i think we're gonna stick to the name Jack because Jason and i love that name but that could change in the next two months"

C- "Have you started planning your wedding yet?"

K- "Not yet.. i've looked at all these beautiful wedding dress but that's about it.. we're gonna plan it after the baby is born"

C- "Now.. i know we said we won't speak of him ever again but just this once more.. how did you feel about what Brad did to you?"

K- "Very scared.. Super scared of what he would of done if i didn't listen to his orders"

C- "What would he have done if you didn't listen to him?"

K- "Shoot me.."

C- "Shoot you? you didn't tell me anything about shooting"

K- "He pulled out a gun.. and held it against my head as he.. you know.. raped me"

C- "Did he do anything else while he was raping you and when he was finished?"

K- "He used a blindfold to gag me then tied my.. arms and.. and legs to the bedposts that's when he held the gun to my head.. once he was done he left and i ran outside to my family and told them everything.. i thought Brad had left for good but he came around the corner and pulled the trigger in the air to scare us, he pointed the gun at my head and yelled at me saying 'He told me not to say anything' my dad walked towards us and Brad pointed the gun at him and threatened him that if he comes any closer he will shoot my dad, myself and everyone else there that day.. seconds before Brad pulled the trigger i jumped right in front of him.."

I showed her the scar i have on my chest, she examined it very carefully. "Um i'm gonna go now, i don't wanna talk about this anymore.. see you next week" i sniffled and wiped all the tears that kept flowing down my face and walked out the door without another word. Instead of going back to my dorm i made a stop by Starbucks that's on Campus. Ava also works there so she gives me my drinks for free. "Hey babes! your usual.. don't tell anyone, i'll probably lose my job if someone finds out that i do this" She chuckles and hands me my drink "Hey i have a class in.. 7 minutes but after that do you wanna have a girls day out? go and buy some baby clothes?"

"Yeah of course! can't wait.. see ya later" i wave her goodbye and walk to the theatre for my Acting class.

*After Class*

"Oh my god! they actually have this here!" Ava squealed and held up a jumpsuit that said 'Protected By Castiel' on it "Buy it! i'm so having that!" i grinned as Ava put it in the shopping basket "Not to many clothes because Aunt Gen and Uncle Jared said i can have Tom and Shep's clothes from when they were babies" i added. We bought a few supernatural related clothes and a few jumpsuits with animals on them. When we got back to our dorm i felt a pain in my stomach, it wasn't labour pain it was kicking pain "Oh my god!" i gasped and clutched my stomach "What!? is it the baby? are you giving birth!?" Ava asked, panicking.

"No! He kicked for the first time!" i grinned and placed Ava's hand on my stomach "Aww" she cooed. He kicked again and i lifted my shirt up to reveal an outline of a foot on my stomach. "Ava! look how cute his foot is! you can see his tiny little foot!" i squealed. Ava and i had our phones out and took photo's of his little foot, i immediately face time Jason and he answered in an instant "Jason! look at this!" I point my phone at my stomach and the reaction on his face was priceless "Is that our Baby's foot?" he asked "Yep! he kicked for the first time today too!" Jason and i were both in tears of happiness looking at our baby's movements.

"So where are you babe?" i questioned "Oh! at our house" he smirked "Excuse me?!" i raised my eyebrows "Well we're gonna need our own place after the baby's born and when you graduate so your dad, Jared and Misha are here with me making the nursery.. this house has a master bedroom with a walk in closet and a bathroom, 3 extra rooms and two bathrooms, one upstairs and downstairs, a gaming room and a pool" Jason smiled "Oh my god babe! you are the best fiance i could ever ask for.. but i'll let you go and i'll call you again later tonight" We kissed the screen, saying goodbye to each other and hung up.

"I'm gonna have my baby listen to some good ass music" i grab the headphones, connect them to my phone and press play on 'Carry on my wayward son' "Bitch yes!" Ava exclaimed.

"Carry on my wayward son
For there'll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don't you cry no more

Once I rose above the noise and confusion
Just to get a glimpse beyond the illusion
I was soaring ever higher, but I flew too high
Though my eyes could see I still was a blind man
Though my mind could think I still was a mad man
I hear the voices when I'm dreamin', I can hear them say

Carry on my wayward son
For there'll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don't you cry no more.." We sung the whole song at the top of our lungs.

"Man! Sometimes I forget that your a fan like me! Let's watch as many seasons as we can!" I exclaimed "Fuck yes!" Ava nodded and sat down next to me and we started watching Supernatural from the very first season.

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