Chapter 23

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Kendall's POV

*A Few Months Later*

"Go Jason! Whoo! Go baby! You can do it!" I cheer at the top of my lungs.

It all happens so fast. Another guy from the other team trips Jason over making him twist his leg in a impossible way and face plants into the ground. The whole crowd goes silent and watches on as Jason's teammates surround him. I gently place JJ on her feet and sprint over to Jason. I push and shove people out of the way but as I get to the front coach stops me. "Miss Ackles you need to stand back, Jason has a broken leg and nose" he says blocking my path "But his my boyfriend! I need to see him!" I argue back "Coach.. coach! She's fine! Let her through!" Jason exclaimed through his bloody and broken nose.

I bent down to his level and held his free hand, caressing it. "You, you and you! stay here with Jason, others scram!" Coach yelled while pointing to me and two other teammates who were also Jason's best friends. In a matter of minutes ambulance came and we were both in the ambulance van on our way to the hospital. "Do you know how this happened ma'am? were you there when this happened?" a doctor asked as Jason was being wheeled into a room "Yes, it was his football game tonight at school and some guy from the opposite team tripped him making Jason twist his leg somehow and fell on his face" i replied. 

"Okay.. Jason has of course broken his leg in half, no doubt about that so we will have to do surgery on it very soon and his nose is not broken, just dislocated so we will pop that back in place but for now just keep this ice pack on it and I'll be back in a few.." he hands Jason an ice pack and places it on his nose. Jason's parents come rushing into the room with my mum and dad right behind them. "Aww sweetheart! What happened?" His mum asked slightly panicking "Nothing mum.. I'm fine honestly" he tried to smile but the pain in his nose was stopping him.

"Kendall can you tell us what happened? We were there at the game of course but we didn't see what exactly happened at that moment" his mum smiled. I've gotten along very well with Jason's parents they are the nicest people you'll ever meet. "Of course Mrs Heart.. one of the players from the other team tripped Jason over making him twist his leg in the process and he landed flat on his face.. his leg is basically snapped in half and his nose is dislocated" I replied. They had a quick look at his leg which was just awful to look at then looked at his nose. "Okay Mr Jason Heart... we are going to pop you nose back into place.." the same doctor from before said.

"Come here baby.. I need someone to hold onto.." he mumbled. I obeyed and walked over to him as he held and squeezed my hand tightly. "Three.. two.. and one.." SNAP! "HOLY MOTHER OF FUCK!" He screamed. I tried everything to try and calm him down but he kept crying out in pain. Now everyone might think that his a wuss for crying but I find it adorable that he has a weak spot. "Shh.. shh.. shh.. baby, It's done now" I cooed, repeatedly kissing his hand "I'll be back again with my staff to take you into surgery" the doctor said and left.


"Hey Kiddo.. how are you?" Dad asked "Okay I guess.. I just hope Jason is okay after the operation, his leg just looked awful" I say "Why don't you come home, have a shower and get some rest for school tomorrow.. if there's any news Jason's parents will call us straight away" dad suggested "School tomorrow? I am not leaving Jason's side" I replied "You love him don't you?" Dad smiled slightly "I do.." I trailed off "Alright Ken.. your mother and I are gonna head home to put JJ and the twins to bed and we will come back tomorrow morning" mum and dad kisses my forehead and leaves the room.

"Mr and Mrs Heart?" A doctor said "No sorry.. his parents are in the cafeteria but I'm Kendall, Jason's girlfriend" I say "Not a problem.. we just need to take Jason here to perform his operation" the doctor says as he starts to wheel Jason out of the room "By baby.. good luck, love you!" I kiss his lips and soon he is out of sight.

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