Chapter 20

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Kendall's POV

"Kendall.. uh Kendall?" it was Max. What the hell does he want now. "What.." i sighed and looked up at him "I'm sorry..." he blurts out "Bye Max" i roll my eyes and walk away but he catches up to me "Listen.. i thought it over and i now see where your coming from.. if i was in your position i would totally want to spend my time with my family too.. so let's forget anything ever happened, get back together and go to prom together" He smiles "Are you fucking kidding me? you got angry at me for wanting to spend time with my family, you told me you never loved me and you slammed the door in my face.. how can i forgive and forget.." i trail off and walk to 5 period.

"Hey Kendall" Jason said and sat next to me "Asswipe..." i say rolling my eyes "Didn't you learn your lesson from the movies.. when you touched me inappropriately.." i added "Well you are a babe so your irresistible.. anyways since you and Max are no longer a thing why don't you and i become a thing and go to Prom?" he smirked "Go to Hell Jason!" i whisper yelled and continued to take notes that were on the board. "Come on baby.. think of how popular you will be.. with you on my arm you will be the most beautiful thing in the school.." he whispered in my ear "Put a fucking cork in it Jason!" I shook my head and scoffed "And you just said 'thing' i'm not some trophy piece that follows you everywhere you go" i add.

The bell rang for last period. That meant PE. With a tight fitting see through shirt, booty shorts and knee high socks. And guess whos in my class. Dearest Max, Jason and his buddies. I walked into the girls locker room and change my clothes and enter the gym. "Okay ladies and gentleman.. today we are going to be playing Dodgeball, you and you are the team captains pick your teams!" Coach blows his whistle but i interrupted the two team captains. "Uhh coach.. why do we always have to get picked? i demand it to be wusses versus ladies" "Excuse me? how about Men versus pussies!" Jason spoke up.

"Hey! hey! enough with the name calling! girls on the right side boys on the left" Coach blows his whistle once again and we take our positions on our sides of the court. I actually went full out on the guys. I was determined to win the game of dodgeball. I was mad and annoyed at of course Max and Jason. All the girls and i teamed up. A few girls and i aimed for one specific guy and eventually got him out. One by one we got them out until it was down to two guys. Max and Jason. So we split the whole team into two groups and one group aimed for Jason and the other went for Max. It seemed at that moment we got both boys out at the same exact time.

"YES! OH MY GOD!" I screamed and hugged my whole team. "Hey Jason! take a load of this pussy!" i walked up to Jason, turned around and bent down shaking my ass. The whole class cheered and 'Ahhed' as i walked out of the gym and back to the girls locker room to change back into my normal clothes. Girls were smiling at me and high fiving me as they walked passed me. "Shit.. forgot my jacket" i mumbled. As i finished getting dressed i walked back to the gym to get my jacket. I spot it on the bleachers and jog over to it. "Nice win" "Yeah.. we deserved it" I smirked "Why won't you forgive me Kendall?" Max asked.

"Because Max.. I thought you loved me, you told me that you never loved me and slammed the door in my face.." I sighed looking down at my shoes "Baby.. of course I love you! I fucking love you till I die! I miss you, I want you back" he begged "I'm sorry Max" I shook my head and softly kissed his cheek and left. 


"What's on your face sissy?" JJ asked laying down next to me on my bed "It's a face mask" i try to smile since the face mask restricts me from moving any part of my face muscles "Can you put one on me? i wanna be just like you" She smiles widely. I sit down at my makeup desk and put JJ on top of my desk as i put the cold but refreshing face mask on her tiny face. "It's cold! it tickles!" she giggles "I know Monkey! but it will go away" i chuckled "Their done! we leave it on for 20 minutes.. should we go show mumma and daddy?!" i exclaimed "Yeah!" she laughed. I held her hand as we walked around the house trying to find mum and dad. 

We eventually found them in their room watching TV together on the bed. "JJ wanted to show you guys the face mask she has on and how we're matching" i say "Wow! look at you princess!" Dad exclaimed "You look beautiful sweetheart!" Mum added "I know! i always do!" she flicks some hair behind her shoulder and mum and i laugh "Okay miss sassy pants! let's paint our nails!" I say and we run off back to my room "Okay Miss JJ Ackles.. what colours would you like?" i smile "Yellow and Pink please!" she laughed "Of course! coming right up!" i tickle her sides as i sit cross legged opposite from her.   

"Don't bump them into anything okay Monkey! and blow on them like this.." i blow on my wet nails as JJ copies my exact moves. Then theres a knock at my door "Come in!" i say and continue to paint my nails "Give me one more chance.. please baby.." i sigh looking up from my nails to see Max with my favorite flowers in his hand, Carnations. "Max.. stop! just stop! i can't forgive you just yet! leave me alone and stop bothering me! take your stupid flowers and leave my house!" i yelled and pushed him towards the front door "I love you, don't forget that" he looked at me with pure sadness in his eyes and turned around and slowly walked down the street and out of sight.    

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