Chapter 14

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Kendall's POV

"Please mum! Aunt Gen! Go with dad and Jared!" I exclaimed, following mum and aunt Gen around the house. I'm trying to convince the both of them to go to Phoenix for a supernatural convention for a few days because when was the last time they all had alone time. Am I right? "When was the last time you two had alone time with Jensen and Jared.." I smirked "As much as we would love to, how do we know if your not going to throw a secret party?" Mum chuckled slightly "Your kidding me right? Oh mother" I playfully shake my head and sit down in front of Mum and Gen "I'm not that person that throws parties every time their parents are out of town.. it's just gonna be me and Max and the kids" I added.

"What about when you both are at school? We're are the kids going to be.. not at home by themselves" Aunt Gen asks "No way!" I shake my head "Max and I have perfect attendance records at school, It wouldn't hurt to miss at least 3 days or so of school and at the end of the day Max and i will go by school to pick up the homework that we missed out on" I shrug my shoulders. Mum and Gen looked at each other for a moment and looked back at me. "Fine.. but no parties, Arrow, Zeppelin and Odette are to have dinner at 4:30PM, Showered at 5:00PM and in bed by 6:30PM" Mum and Gen say.

"Same goes for JJ, Tom and Shep but at later times, dinner by 6:00ish, showered by 7:30PM and in bed at 8:30-9PM" They add "YES!" I slightly yell and hug the living hell out of them "Go start packing! the plane leaves in 3ish hours!" i add and push mum towards her bedroom while Gen went home to pack and came back.

*Few Hours Later*

"Okay! Parents are gone! what are we going to do now?" i ask. We all stand there for a few moments thinking of all the crazy and fun stuff we can do. Then i get an idea. A big risk taker but it's a risk i'm gonna take. "I wanna get a tattoo" i smile widely "What!?" Max exclaimed "Of what?" he adds "I'm 100% sure, i've thought about it for a while now and because i don't think i'm moving to another family anytime soon i'm ready... I'm going to get 'J' for Jensen on the side of my index finger, 'D' for Danneel on the side of my middle finger, 'JJ' on the side of my ring finger and 'A&Z' for Arrow and Zeppelin on the side of my pinky.. they're all family to me now and i'm totally ready" i nodded my head smiled even wider.

"Alright! let's get the kids in the car!" Max exclaimed. We borrowed both Mum and Gen's car since there wasn't enough space in one car. I took JJ, Arrow and Zeppelin in mum's car and Max took Tom, Shep and Odette in aunt Gen's car. As we parked outside of the tattoo parlor after a few minutes of driving i buckled the twins into the double stroller that was in the trunk and Max just held Odette in her baby carrier. I pushed the stroller with one hand and JJ's small hand in my hand and we all entered into the tattoo parlor. "Hi how can i help you?" A lady with ink all over her body smiled at me. 

"Hey.. i'm uhh.. i wanna get a tattoo" i slightly stutter "Yeah sure! just come over to that table over there and we will discuss your design and the price" We all followed the lady to a table and i sat down and started to share my idea with her. It happened so fast, one second i was telling her the idea of my tattoo and the next thing i know is that i'm sitting down in the tattoo chair with a little needle jabbing me repeatedly. And i gotta say i really hurts like hell, even just for 5 initials on my fingers. My phone buzzes and it's a facetime for mum. Oh great. Has she found that i'm getting a tattoo already? I press answer and brace myself for all the questions she's going to ask. 

| K- Kendall | D-Danneel |

K- "Heyy mum! how's Phoenix treating you?!"

D- "Kendall Ackles! are you getting a tattoo?!"


K- "No mum! why on earth would i get a tattoo? i'm still at home with Max and the kids! Odette and the twins are sleeping in the other room"

D- "Don't be silly! i can here the tattoo needle buzzing.."

K- "That's just a tattooing show we're watching"

D- "Cut it out! i know your getting a tattoo.."

I sigh, giving up. 

K- "How they hell did you know so fast aren't you still on the plane?"

D- "It's called the internet sweetheart.. apparently some fans saw you enter the tattooing place and now it's all over Twitter and Instagram.. now show us the tattoo!"

K- "No can do Mother! you'll all have to wait till you come back.. love you all! bye!" i chuckle slightly and hang up, sliding my phone back into my pocket.

With a few more touch ups i was finally done and a plastic bandage was covering all 4 of my fingers. "That's $180 please" I pay her the money, she tells me how to take care of it and then i'm free to go. By the time we got home it was 4:28PM so we fed Odette and the twins and did all the other stuff like shower them all and put them all to bed and then we eventually fell asleep on the couch together later that night.  

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