Chapter 47

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Kendall's POV

"Aw baby boy.. it's okay! mummy's just going to the bathroom" i cooed, kissing Jack's cheek. We just came back from his vaccinations and he screamed so loud, so loud it sounded like someone was strangling him. He's extra clingy since then and won't even let me put him down so i can go to the bathroom. "This is gonna be painful" i mumble and hand him over to Ava and i ran to the bathroom and quickly did my business. "Shut your damn baby up!" someone yelled opening the door "Excuse me!? go fuck yourself!" i flipped him the finger the slammed the door in his face. As soon as i picked Jack up again his cries stopped.

"What are we gonna do with you buddy" i shake my head slightly, bouncing him up and down.


I backed away slightly from Jack's baby bouncer where he was currently sleeping. I finally put the clingy baby to sleep after crying his lungs out. Just as i sat down on my bed my freaking phone rang waking Jack up. "For fucks sake!" i cussed picking up Jack once again and answered my phone. "Whoever the hell is ringing me better have a good ass reason as to why your ringing me because you just woke Jack up.. i've been trying to get him down for his nap for hours now and i stressing out because of his fucking crying" i said harshly "Woah! wow.. no need to speak to your Padre like that!" dad teased.

"Crap.. i'm so sorry dad.. I took Jack for his vaccination shots today and he hated them.. he's been very clingy all day today and i can't even get him down for a nap.. anyways why did you call? what's up?" i sighed "Nothing really... Jason is at your house finishing up the final touches and i wanted to see how you were going with everything between the baby and your school work and your finally graduating in a few months" he said almost too excited "Are you excited for me to finish University?" i chuckled, pretending to sound hurt "Of course i'm excited! your my daughter and i can't freaking wait till you come back home" he laughed.

"I've been overhearing your conversations with JJ about some boy she likes? can you please tell me! i've been dying to know" he begged "I would absolutely love to but when JJ's ready she'll definitely tell you but for now it's just girl talk.. sister to sister" i replied "I totally get it.. by the way the trick i used to get JJ and the twins down for a nap when they were babies was i would get a teeny tiny little bit of beer on my finger and put my finger in their mouths.. that would instantly put them to sleep.." I talked with dad for a while longer before we hung up the phone and I knocked on all the dorm rooms asking for beer.

"Do you have beer?"


"Do you have beer?"


"Do you have beer?"


Finally after going around the dorms someone finally gave me a bottle of beer. "Okay.. let's try this.." i mumbled and set Jack down as he instantly started crying. I put a teeny tiny bit of beer on my finger and put it in Jack's mouth, calming him down, soon he was out cold. "Thank you dad" i smiled to myself and took a sip of the beer. I did a bit of homework, worked on my last couple of assignments and walked around Campus by myself so i can get fresh air while Ava looks after him.

The Newest AcklesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora