Chapter 22

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Kendall's POV

Jason was long gone after Max left so it was just me in an empty corridor crying to myself. "Hey... crap.. don't cry... oh my god, what happened Munchkin?" uncle Jared cooed as he engulfed me in a hug. I was hyperventilating and I couldn't control my breathing. I was having a panic attack. "Hey.. your having a panic attack just take big deep breaths okay?" Jared says "Max's told me I looked beautiful tonight then he left and Jason said he actually like me and actually kissed me! Max saw us and was really sad about it and now he's moving to Canada forever! I'm just so shocked with everything!" I said in one breath.

"Kendall you just rambling on and breathing faster is just going to make this panic attack much worse.. I need you to just focus on me.. focus on me okay? Look at me munchkin.. look at me babe, deep breaths.. deep breaths.." uncle Jared said as he wiped my tears away. As much as I appreciated his help in trying to make me calm down I just really wanted my dad. "I.. need.. dad.." I say in between my heavy breathes "Alright.. I'll be right back munchkin.." he quickly kisses my forehead and runs back into the gym. Moments later dad rushes out with everyone trailing behind him. 

"Hey kiddo.. calm down baby.. calm down.. deep breaths in... deep breaths out.." He cupped my face and caressed me cheek trying to calm me down. "That's it kiddo.. your doing great, good job Ken" he smiled and moved his hands to hold mine "Now when your ready can you tell us what happened" dad added and i nodded in response "When Max wanted to talk to me all he said is that i looked beautiful tonight then he left, then Jason comes up to me also saying the same thing and he also told me he actually liked me then we kissed! Jason and i kissed! Max saw us both kissing and he was really sad and heartbroken about it then guess what Max tells me.. his moving to Canada! fucking forever because his parents job got moved over there" i explain.

"Sweetheart, come here" we hugged and stayed like that for a while "Don't worry about some pervert boy (Jason) and a boy that broke your heart (Max) we are here to have an amazing time and dance! let's go dance!" dad exclaimed as we all cheered on "Come on Angel" i smiled at Misha as we all walked over to the dance floor. It was a slow song as we re-entered the gym so i wrapped my arms around Misha's neck and he put his hands on my waist. 


Tonight was amazing. 

I danced with dad, uncle Jared and Misha, Aunt Gen and mum. 

Boys were hitting on Aunt Gen, mum and i.

And Girls were hitting on Dad and Uncle Jared and Misha. But don't worry i set them all straight.

 "Alright ladies and gentlemen, we are going to slow it down for the last song! so come on down to the dance floor for the last time tonight!" The DJ announced. I was gonna sit this one out but Jason actually came up to me "Kendall? could i have this last dance?" he asked nervously "Uh sure!" i chuckled, nodding. He held his hand out for me which i happily took and led me to the dance floor. "When did you start liking me?" i asked "Since you first came here.." he smiled slightly "And why didn't you tell me you liked me?" "I guess i have a reputation i hold" Jason shrugs his shoulders.

"You know, i've heard people say that if a guy likes you he will pick on you.. is that what you were doing to me Jason? huh Jason? is that what you were doing" i teased "Alright, alright, you caught me" he laughed "I like you a lot okay?" "Sorry to turn the tables but this is a serious question.. why did you, you know.. touch me?" i asked "I regret it every single day trust me i feel guilty as hell but i guess i was just trying to make Max jealous" he replied.    


"Is that a 67 impala?!" Jason asked shocked "Sure is! This is right from set, My dad, Jared and Misha are on supernatural so Baby wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them" i smile looking over at my parents and back to Jason "Sorry who's baby?" he laughed "Oh yeah sorry.. Baby is her" i say pointing to the car in front of us "Dean which is played by my dad calls the car Baby" i smiled widely "And you can drive a beauty like that?" he asked yet again shocked "You think i can't handle 'guy' stuff? or 'guy' cars?" i raised one eyebrow "Dad! keys please!" he tossed the keys over to me and i got into the drivers seat. 

"Coming in loser?" 

Jason laughed and slid into the passenger seat. "Let me show you a thing or two" i smirked and turned the engine on, revving her up. I sped down the street and around the block and back to the school. "I'm impressed Ackles.. i gotta go with the boys now but i'll see you tomorrow at school" he kissed my cheek and got out, jogging over to his friends who were waiting by the school entrance. "New boyfriend?" Dad teased as he got into the car as well as the others "Shut up!" i joked as i sped down the street and back home. 

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