Chapter 66

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Kendall's POV

"Come on Sis! We're at Disneyland!" JJ squealed as we all got out of the car. I buckled Jack into his stroller and fell into step with mum and aunt Gen. "I don't see why i have to come.. i can't even go on any rides" i say "Oh stop being a big baby" JJ joked "I am having a baby.. two in fact" i teased "Yeah.. haha" she said sarcastically. Everyone went on almost every single ride there was. I could go on a few but i still had the best day ever. Right now we are sitting at a table at 'Paradise Pier Ice Cream Company' eating and enjoying our ice cream "Mmm.. so good" Shep said devouring his ice cream.

I took loads of photos of everyone enjoying their day here and all the rides. "Let's get some ice cream!" I hear someone very very familiar say. I turn in that direction and couldn't believe my eyes. It was Ava! With Leah, Becky and Hillary. "Oh my god! That's Ava! And Hillary, Leah and Becky!" I exclaimed to my family "Are you sure Hun?" Aunt Gen asked. Ava and the girls turn around with their ice creams in their hands looking satisfied with what they got "I'm 100% sure.. I'm gonna go and say Hi" I replied and walked over to Ava "Ava! Hill! Leah! Becky!" I called out, they all turn around and go wide eyed.

"KENDALL!" They all scream and sprint towards me "KENDALL!" Ava yelled again and everyone hugged me. "WHAT THE FUCK!" Ava exclaimed and looked me over "Oh my god! I know! I haven't talked to you all in like two years!" I smiled "What the fuck!" Ava repeated and pointed to my stomach "Oh yeah.. 6 Months now... twin girls" I say and rub my stomach "Bitch who!?" Leah said "Brooklyn Beckham" I laughed "No way!" Hillary went wide eyed "Brooklyn Beckham? As in the sexy ass David Beckham's son?!" Becky said "Yep.." I chuckled. "Why are you guys here?" I added. No one said anything and Ava held here hand out to me showing me a shiny ring on her finger.

"CONGRATULATIONS! WHEN!?" I screamed and hugged her tightly "Thanks babe.. Ethan proposed to me last year.. he took me to Paris and proposed to me on the top of the Effiel tower" she smiles "I've had this in my bag for many months now.. I was definitely going to send it to you but I didn't know if you wanted to come because of 'Him' but here.. please come to my wedding, I would love for you to be my maid of honour and Brooklyn can be the best man" Ava says and hands me an envelope "Of course I'll come! Oh I can't fucking wait" I smiled and then open the envelope and read it.

"Definitely put Brooklyn, my family, Jared and Gen, Brooklyn's family and i down on the list" i nod and smiled "Kendall!" it was dad "The kids want to go on more rides.. are you coming?" he asked "You all go ahead.. I'll be with the girls for the rest of the day.. text me when your leaving and I'll meet you at the entrance" I replied. The girls and I sat back down for a little bit until they finished their ice creams and then we went on a few more rides. "So.. where is Brooklyn right now?" Becky smirked "In New York.. he moved there to boost up his career in photography.. he loves it" I say "Thought of any names for your twins yet?" Leah asked.

"Ruby and Charlie.. from supernatural" Ava and I smiled at each other "Bitch! I love Charlie! She was the best!" Ava exclaims "I know! But Ruby though.. I absolutely love her too" I say. We walk around for a few more hours then dad texted me.

"Hey Kiddo.. we're done for the day, meet us out front"

"I gotta go gals!" I pout and they do the same "But text me any time! Come over to Texas to visit.. this is my address.. Jack and I moved into an apartment" I say and hug and wave them goodbye. I met my family at the entrance then got into the car and drove to our beach house. It had the most perfect view of LA ever. I could just stare out into the view forever.

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